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Neurotech Problem Solving

Creative Problem Solving

Creative Problem Solving...yup, the keys to success! Here are some tools that will help the individual become a more efficient problem solver (I wrote many of these papers in 1987.) The bottom line is...if you want to be a good problem solver, then you must practice it daily. You will first be introduced to some theory and then you will slowly be taught the skills. There are also some problem sets on truth table and binary mathematics that will help hone your problem solving skills. The key to success is to use these tools daily, and throughout the day. For example, use your affirmations while walking the aisle of the store or use your creativity techniques while doing the dishes. Important note: Be smart, be safe--do not use any of these techniques if it puts you or others in danger, ie., while driving or rock climbing! Remember though, these tools are just a beginning. I will continue to add to this page.

Introduction Creative problem solving skills are needed in a technological society in order to generate innovative ideas.
A Working Definition of Problem Solving Any definition of problem solving should consist of three ideas. First, the problem is presently in some state. Second, it is desired that the problem be in another state. And third, there is no direct, obvious way to accomplish the change.
Human Information Processing Systems By understanding how the human brain processes information, then it becomes easier for the user to adopt "software" tools to get the machinery to run more efficiently.
Problem Space and Goals Problem solving takes place by search in a problem space. When a problem is first presented, it must be recognized and understood. Then a problem space must be constructed or, if one already exists in Long Term Memory, merely evoked.
Searching the Problem Space Even though most of the procedures that will be discussed in this section are from the fields of Discrete Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, it shouldn't’t be too hard to conceive of the human brain as using such search procedures in solving its own problems. This is not to say that the individual is always consciously aware of using the specific algorithms presented, but that instead the brain may also use such search routines on the unconscious neuronal level in communications between neural networks.
Biological Aspects of Problem Solving Since we have established a theoretical basis for problem solving, we should also supplement it with a biological model. Biologically, the task of problem solving was found to be located in the frontal regions of the brain.
Developmental Factors in Problem Solving What factors contribute to good problem solvers? There are a minimum of three different components that are involved in a child’s acquisition of problem solving skills. The three components that will be covered here are: (1) spatial perception, (2) experience, and (3) language.
Characteristics of Problem Solvers What do good problem solvers have that poor problem solvers don't? Nothing that cannot be changed. Identify and define what needs to be changed, and then it is all the easier to change the unwanted into a desirable.
Blocks (Cultural, Perceptual, Emotional) to Creative Problem Solving. Simple tools that define the various components that block maximum problem solving efficiency.
Memory: Simple Tools to Improve It Good problem solving must draw upon past experience. Learn how to improve your memory skills.
Creativity It is not that complex of a process, nor are the tools! But, the good problem solver is one who can generate many possible solution states...it is that one in a hundred that makes the difference between failure or success.
Change Attitudes in Problem Solving Via Affirmations A simple method used by professionals to help clients attain maximum performance. You are changing the brain's current program via a visualization technique ...change negative attitudes into positive attitudes.
Writing Logically This is an addendum that will give the the tools needed to approach each problem space and break it down into the necessary components needed to move from the initial state to the goal state. Not only will you learn a method of solving everyday problems, but you will also learn to write in a more logical fashion. Very effective methodology.
Bibliography This is a very comprehensive list of readings.

Truth Tables Here is a set of problems that are fun. Do a search to find out the basics of truth tables.
Binary Numeral System Your brain is the ultimate binary computer.
Writing in Mathematics Learn how to define any problem that you face, and then solve it using this simple techinque.
Meditation Handbook



Educational resources that can be used in the classroom or to help you in your personal quest. The Writing in Math paper is a good technique to use in general problem solving. This is something that should be implemented every day until it becomes second nature. The Brain In Nature Course curriculum can be used as a curriculum for teaching outdoor education with a neurological twist, or you can use it to help you become familiar with the outdoors. On the individual level it would make a great guide for learning how to live within primal nature. It is not required that you be in the wilderness to practice some of these techniques. If you are a city dweller, then use it to prepare yourself for your frequent sojourns into the wilderness.

All of the below files are PDF's and open in new window.

Outdoor Education Curriculum
This curriculum was used for eight years and the students were "high-risk" students. The methodology is based upon the Brain Self-Control techniques that are introduced on this site, but the methods have been tweaked to address the needs of today's adolescent. The students who participated in the program possessed a high degree of ownership. The drop-our rate at the HS where this program was initially implemented dropped by almost 85% in two years. We would be happy to help anyone or school that would like to implement the program do so.

The Triune Brain
The human brain consists of 3-brains-in-1 (MacClean, 1973). The triune brain is composed of three neural substrates that are represented by the reptilian brain, the paleomammalian brain, and the neomammalian brain. This paper goes into detail how the three different brains work together and independently to make us who we are.

The Self
Introduces you to that biologically component that separates us humans from the rest of the animal kingdom--the human brain.

Self-Realization and Social Responsibility
Within the modern industrial-consumer state the individual is self-alienated and the various institutions/policies within the state makes it metaphysically impossible for the individual to attain a state of self-realization and spiritual consciousness, this, in turn, threatens the success of any social movement or revolution. And, so it is addressed in this paper.

Quality Brain in the Work Place
Self-Realization and the Ecology Movement
Universe and You

End PDF's


Brain Self-Control 1977

Brain Self-Control Table of Contents
Lesson 1: Universe
Lesson 2: Backward Self-Therapy
Lesson 3: Consciousness
Lesson 4: Thought
Lesson 5: Value System
Lesson 6: Freedom from Parents
Lesson 7: Meditation
Lesson 8: Child Cognitive Fix
Lesson 9: Ego
Lesson 10: Sleep and Dream Analysis
Lesson 11: Morning Pre―Conscious
Lesson 12: Daily Sensitivity Measurement
Lesson 13: Daily Power Measurement
Lesson 14: Forward Self-Circuiting
Lesson 15: Methodology; Scientific Method of Inquiry
Lesson 16: Electrical Property of Nerves
Lesson 17: Schematic Diagram of the Nervous System
Lesson 18: Peripheral Data Processing

Lesson 19: Automatic Control Circuits
Lesson 20: Permanently Wired-In Behavior
Lesson 21: Electrical Nature of Conscious Mental Processes
Lesson 22: Control Centers of Emotion and Consciousness
Lesson 23: The Frontal Lobes
Lesson 24: Memory
Lesson 25: Automatic Learning
Lesson 26: Higher Learning
Lesson 27: Computers and the Brain
Lesson 28: Homo Novus


Self-Transcendence Workbook

You now shall start to emancipate 100% of your “PIES”: your physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual brain energies. You shall not do this by quitting your job and abandoning your family and escaping the city and joining some monastery atop some mumbo jumbo hillock to meditate a blank wall for 20 years in the hope of glimpsing enlightenment. Rather, you shall get your no-nonsense maturation quickly by means of the simple, clear, proven facts of science. Science now can teach you how your brain works and how you can control it into the ultimate cosmic orgasm. And you shall do this not as hard work, but as child play. At home. At work. You shall complete your health/vision/work/career/freedom/Life into perfect happiness merely by doing the exercises in this Workbook a few minutes each day while following the Lifestyle you now choose.

This 420 page workbook is in PDF format in order to make it more portable. Self-Transcendence Workbook. We are currently breaking it down into individual lessons. Here is a peek, but in no way are we done since there are 100 lessons. These are rough pages that have not had the template applied yet, but everything else is good to go. These are rough pages that have not had the template applied yet, but everything else is good to go...in most cases, minus the images. To give you an idea of how much work is required to build a page, here is what is done when preparing a page: strip any MS Word coding, label and insert and format images, clean code of extraneous code, format page, clean XHTML, Apply Source Formatting, etc. Needless to say, creating each page is a labor of love. L1-L15 are done with the exception of applying the template.

Table of Contents

Introduction To Your Completion

SECTION A - Instant Gratification Brain Growth
Lesson 1: Build Up Your Ego Strength
Lesson 2: Retrogress Into Your Total Ego
Lesson 3: Self-Belief. I Feel Good About Me.
Lesson 4: Child Playsie Funsie Gamsie
Lesson 5: Who Am I?
Lesson 6: Play Adult Love
Lesson 7: Harmonizing With Lovely Genetic Intelligence
Lesson 8: Luscious Morning Pre-Conscious Honesty
Lesson 9: Re-Discovering Your Child Life-force Fingertips
Lesson 10: Expansion Of Happiness
Lesson 11: Healing Hands
Lesson 12: Beginner’s Multiple Orgasm

SECTION B: Say Hello To Your Brain
Lesson 13: Learn Your Triune Brain
Lesson 14: Self-Guided imaging, Introduction
Lesson 15: Amygdala Click-Switch
Lesson 16: Reptile Brain Self-Defense And Counter Attack
Lesson 17: Mammal Brain Love Sharing And Family Formation
Lesson 18: Primate Brain Step-by-Step Transcendence and Genius
Lesson 19: Extended Family Co-Therapy

SECTION C - Release Repressed Trauma Memories
Lesson 20: Child Play With Fun Trauma Memories
Lesson 21: Learn Your Cortex Adult And Adolescent Memory Library
Lesson 22: Release Repressed Adult and Adolescent Trauma Memories
Lesson 23: Understanding Endorphin-Bonding
Lesson 24: Learn Your Temporal Lobes Joy Child Memory Library
Lesson 25: Release Repressed Child Love Memories
Lesson 26: Self Trauma Drama, Theory
Lesson 27: Self Trauma Drama, Method
Lesson 28: Trauma Drama Script Writing
Lesson 29: Doing Trauma Drama With A Single Friend

SECTION D - Retarded Adolescent Rebellion
Lesson 30: Release And Free Your Repressed Adolescent Trauma Memories
Lesson 31: Adolescent Irrationality Nurtured Into Adolescent Joy And Meaning
Lesson 32: Love Rebellion
Lesson 33: Guaranteed Anterior Amygdala Bank Storage
Lesson 34: Cure Irrational Reptile Attack
Lesson 35: Cure Adolescent Fear Of Growing Up
Lesson 36: Cure Fear-Filled Adolescent’s Refusal To Do Self-Therapy
Lesson 37: Adolescent Killer Ape Versus Transcended killer Ape
Lesson 38: Cure Adolescent Rebellion Via Child Play
Lesson 39: Salvage Adolescent Genetic Idealism Logic
Lesson 40: Cure Retrogression Into Reptilian Ego Such
Lesson 41: Cure Retrogression Of Sane Adult Intelligence Into Insane Adult Ignorance
Lesson 42: Cure Rebellious Backward Stupidities
Lesson 43: Cure Lying
Lesson 44: Death of Life?
Lesson 45: First Adolescent Genius Creativity
Lesson 46: True Adolescent Love With Co-Therapy Family

SECTION E – Techniques To Release Deepest Repressed Trauma Memories
Lesson 47: Brain Journal
Lesson 48: Self-Diagnosis Graph
Lesson 49: Full Voluptuous Healing Sleep
Lesson 50: Hypnapompic Probe
Lesson 51: Triune Dream Analysis
Lesson 52: Temporal-Sphenoidal Suture Tap
Lesson 53: Self Guided Imaging, Advanced
Lesson 54: Open Receptive Meditation
Lesson 55: Cosmoprobe
Lesson 56: Hyperpowering
Lesson 57 Values / Beliefs
Lesson 58: Laughing
Lesson 59: Release and Free Your Repressed Child Trauma Memories

SECTION F - Advanced Understanding and Control Of Brain
Lesson 60: Universe
Lesson 61: Energy / Entropy / Synergy / Physics
Lesson 62: Consciousness Physics
Lesson 63: Love Physics
Lesson 64: Measuring Emotional Age
Lesson 65: Brain Cyclotron
Lesson 66: Normal Paranormal Powers
Lesson 67: Return To Primal Nature
Lesson 68: Control Triune Reflexes
Lesson 69: Learn Your Animal Brains In Primal Nature
Lesson 70: Mammal Brain Telepathy With Animals
Lesson 71: Think-Click Your Amygdala
Lesson 72: Laughing At Dictator Gurus
Lesson 73: Love Trust

SECTION G - Advanced Self-Therapy Into Frontal Lobes
Lesson 74: Pre-Transcendence Love
Lesson 75: Pre-Transcendence Sex
Lesson 76: Advanced Multiple Orgasm
Lesson 77: Creating Your Pre-Transcendence Growth Support Family
Lesson 78: Growth Support Family Rituals, Festivals, Celebrations
Lesson 79: Social Intelligence
Lesson 80: Testing For The Lie Via “Work Trauma Drama”
Lesson 81: Using Social Intelligence In Your Daily Money Job
Lesson 82: Precision Controlled Intuitions
Lesson 83: Click Into Right-Hemisphere
Lesson 84: Creativity, Theory
Lesson 85: Creativity, Action
Lesson 86: Measuring Mamma
Lesson 87: Release and Free Your Repressed Infant Trauma Memories
Lesson 88: First Frontal Lobes Pops

SECTION H - Final Love Growths
Lesson 89: How to Love
Lesson 90: Morning Love Wakeup Game
Lesson 91: Holy-Urination and Parent-Defecation Games
Lesson 92: Bounce-Walking and Voltage-Elevator Games
Lesson 93: Bus/Subway to Work Entropy Flip
Lesson 94: Rush-Hour Traffic Car Driving Entropy Flip
Lesson 95: Horny Adolescent in Supermarket and Uterine Tub Re-Birth Games
Lesson 96: Night Bed Pre-Sleep Game and Anti-Depression Sexing
Lesson 97: Making Money
Lesson 98: Become A Transcended Teacher, Leader
Lesson 99: Longevity
Lesson 100: Reciprocal Communication


Brain Self-Control and Computers

Our working hypothesis and that is "The human brain functions very much like a digital computer." This is an idea that myself and a colleague started pursuing in the late 1970's. We went as far as to write a workbook in the mid 1980's, and with the recent "discoveries" I decided to go back and retrieve all of the papers that I have pertaining to the subject. I just pulled six chapters of the book out and converted them to text files, and imported them into Web pages. These lessons are long, powerful, and free. The basic premise is that you can learn to write your own software for your personal bio-computer. The computer "language" at the time, involved working at the command prompt using DOS shell commands. Looking back at the material it seems very appropriate. I will put this book up as quickly as I can, and come this winter I will begin scanning the thousands of pages of work that I have amassed the last forty years. We will continue to update.

BSC Disclaimer
BSC Goals
BSC Introduction
Chapter I: Introduction to Your Personal Bio-Computer
Chapter II: "Who Am I?"
Chapter III: Objective Reality and Rational Thought


Neural Cybernetics (1971)

Chapter I: Electrical Property of Nerves
Chapter II: Schematic Diagram of the Nervous System
Chapter III: Peripheral Data Processing in the Nervous System
Chapter IV: Automatic Control Circuits
Chapter V: Permanently Wired-In Behavior
Chapter VI: Electrical Nature of Conscious Mental Processes
Chapter VII: Control Centers of Emotions and Consciousness
Chapter VIII: Personality and Speech; Frontal Lobes
Chapter IX: Memory
Chapter X: Automatic Learning
Chapter XI: Higher Learning
Chapter XII: Computers and the Brain


The Iron Book (1971)

The Iron Book is a totally fluid dynamic of self-therapy, totally democratic in its adjustment to the emerging power needs of the individual, constantly re-written to adjust to feed back from student enrolled in this program. The typical student is around 20 years of age, middle-class, attending a university in the Denver area, self-motivated to pursue reading on his/her own, aimed at getting back to the land, and potentially dedicated to becoming a teacher in one of the established helping profession or in founding his/her own school of the future. Worksheets are added or subtracted, jumped fast or retrogressed carefully, as individual need suggests, creatively.

The pages added here are not in the original sequence. Instead, the pages are being added as the needs of individuals that I come in contact with are made known to me. In a sense, this is a personal self-therapy regimen for my young friend(s)...provided with all my Love. God speed in your quest.

Dialog: "Courage"
Urban Survival: 10 Steps

Brain Philosophy and Neurological Models

Science, Philosophy, Cognitive Sciences, and Pseudo Sciences LiLiLinks
The Triune Brain
The Self
Self-Realization and Social Responsibility
Making for a Better Brain With Walking
Creativity LiLiLinks Mycoted
Future Human Evolution
Self-Directed Evolution
Creative and Strategic ThiLinking
Theories of Brain Organization
Training With The Brain
A Computational Model of the Brain
A Biologically Based Computational Model of Working Memory
Whole Brain to Work Model
Connectionist Mechanisms for Cognitive Control Dual-Core by Intelligence

Brain Physiology (external links)

The Brain from Top to Bottom
The Whole Brain Atlas
High-Resolution Cytoarchitectural Primate Brain Atlases
Brain Facts and Figures
Blood supply of the human brain

Current Research Regarding the Human Brain

Estimating the computational capabities of the human brain
When will computer hardware match the human brain?

How the human brain works
Everything you wanted to know about the human brain
More about the Human brain!
Differences between female & male human brains

Surface Anatomy of the Brain
Scientific American Magazine (May 2005 Issue) His Brain, Her Brain

Caring for the Body/Brain

Training With The Brain TEWM PDF
Whole Brain to Work Mode TEWM PDF
Why Physical Exercise for Artists? TEWM HTML
Everything You Need to Know About Sleep TEWM HTML
Relaxation Techniques for Reef of Anxiety & Stress TEWM HTML
The Benefits of Better Breathing
Transactional Analysis and the Triune Brain TEWM HTML
Meditation Handbook
Stretches and Back Care Exercises
FAQ Relaxation Techniques
Relaxation Techniques I

Catastrophe Amongst Our ChildrenRelaxation Techniques II
Everything You Need to Know About Sleep
The Benefits of Better Breathing

Teaching Whole Music Literacy
Music, Development, Aging and the Brain
The Brain of Musicians: A Model of Functional and Structural Adaptation

Emotional responses to pleasant and unpleasant music correlate with activity in paralimbic brain regions
The Effects of Music Training On Children's Brain and Cognitive Development

Creating Melodies with Evolving Recurrent Neural Networks
Benefits of Learning Music

Raising Healthy Brains'

Brain Baby
Tips On Infant Massage
Infant Massage Research
Smart Parenting Techniques
Helping Your Child Read
Pre-school Children
Helping Your Child Succeed
Helping Your Child With Early Adolescence
Helping Your Child With HW
Helping Your Child Become Responsible Citizens
Why Should a Child Learn Music?
The Religious Affiliation of Guitarist
John McLaughlin

The Effects of Music Training On Children's Brain and Cognitive Devlopment
Food in the first year of life
Healthy eating for kindergarten
Healthy eating in pre-kindergarten years
Healthy eating for young toddlers
Healthy eating in the primary school years
Healthy lunch boxes for children
'Try it - you'll like it!' Vegetables and fruit for children
Why no sweet drinks for children
Milk: Fact and Fallacies

Music Neurobics

Teaching Whole Music Literacy
Music, Development, Aging and the Brain
The Brain of Musicians: A Model of Functional and Structural Adaptation

Emotional responses to pleasant and unpleasant music correlate with activity in paralimbic brain regions
The Effects of Music Training On Children's Brain and Cognitive Development

Creating Melodies with Evolving Recurrent Neural Networks
Benefits of Learning Music
Creating Melodies With Evoloving Recurrent Nerual Networks
Transparent Recording Software Applications
How We Think
Meditation Found to Increase Brain Size
Music Theory and Ear Training Tools

Links to Scientific, Neurology, Consciousness, and Philosophy Sites

The various links found on the Brain Link Page will provide the reader with tremendous resources. The emphasis is on the scientific proof of consciousness, and the subsequent philosophy that it generates. The working hypothesis is that the more you know about your brain the more efficient will be your use of it--hence, the neurology links.

The Brain and Consciousness Link Page


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