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Lesson 8: Child Cognitive Fix

Your parents imprinted you with your Child Cognitive Fix (CCF) dur­ing the first years of your Life. This is your cultural conditioning. This is the system of binary Yes/No value choices frozen into your neurons and synapses. Cognate: to know; how you “know” that Life is good/bad. This fix of neurons is fixed in your reticular activating system: in your value-judging center; in your decision-making center. All intellectual thought―production and all emotional feeling production either originates in the reticular activating system or must pass through this censor tissue. Primary thought/emotion originates in the reticular activating system from genetic code signals modified through the prism of the learned Child Cognitive Fix; modified through the prism of the ego. A secondary thought or emotion originates through the sensors, passes through the censor, assembles the sensory data warped through the Child Cognitive Fix values, forms into the final thought or emotion and then presents/stew to your awareness with the pretense that you consciously willed the thought to be so, If the fin­al thought/emotion is charged negatively, you are aware of unhappiness. If the final thought/emotion is charged positively, you are aware of happiness.

The job is to identify, analyze and rebuild the SubThreshold/UnConscious censor--your Child Cognitive Fix―to your chosen values.

1.Identify and analyze your Child Cognitive Fix. Document your compre­hensive child memories,(+) as well as (―).
2.By what method can you change a CCF(-) to a CCF(+)? Describe your pro­gram to rebuild it from (-) to (+).
3.Diagnose how each memory was fixed in your CCF.
4.Why did your parents imprint you with negative CCF memories?
5.Inventory each year of your Life, from child and adolescent cogni­tive fix, and its relation to your current thought and emotion production. How can you increase production from this inventory?
6.What factors in the culture conditioned your parent to condition you into your CCF?
7.Which culturally conditioned values logically should have been fixed in your belief system but were not? Why?
8.What is the relationship between a value system, a belief system and a Child Cognitive Fix?
9.What knowledges does your CCF know?
10.How does your CCF know Life? Know love? Know Universe?
11.What happens to your Child Cognitive Fix after your reticular acti­vating system is deconditioned from negatives and reconditioned to total positives?
12.Define happiness. Child happiness. Adolescent happiness. Adult happiness.
13.What is the relation of entropy/energy physics to happiness?

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