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Chapter IX (166)

1.What percentage of your awake day is spent in reviewing/reminiscing past memories of childhood? In wondering about middle-age/old-age memories of today? What percentage of your memory-review is a continuous accounting attempt to junk-out negative, imperfectly balanced events of the past; forever asymptotic? What does this suggest to you about child education?
2.What memories recur, repeatedly seeking to be evacuated as “mind shit,” but never closing the asymptote to blessed forgetful­ness? How much time/energy do you waste on this inefficient self-therapy? What subtle effect does such inefficient junking-out of’ an en-tropic memory have upon your energy-curve? Upon your basic personality structure? Upon your happiness? Survival?
3.What program are you now pursuing to imprint the maximum quantity and quality of memorized experiences, and the minimum of traumas, for mellow rumination in old age; for wisdom?
4.(169) How is a memory trace fixed? What physical change in the neuron is the basis for a memorized datum?
5.How can you fix a desired datum into memory as total belief? How can you un-fix an un-desired datum in memory to total forgetfulness?
6.(168) Where is the memory library located?
7.(168) During the Nirvana Experience it has been reported that the temporal lobes seem to dump the total memorized data of life into one gigantic, ferociously-fast, awesomely―efficient mating of negatives and positives. The process has been described as a “choosing, proving and believing of all truths at a speed slightly less than that of’ light.” Enlightenment. How then can you mechanically set up the preliminary elements and components of this system to do the preliminary work to get the system started?
8.(169) How much of learning involves memory? Discuss the effect that an emotion, negative or positive, plays in the efficiency of memorizing a datum? In the vast mass of data wastefully/woefully forgotten? In therapeutic re―learning to love life?
9.Describe a method for maximizing memorization via causing maximum positive emotion at the moment the datum is being inputted.
10.(169) What are stored programs of behavior? Inventory yours. Do a neural power accounting of those which are good for your survival/happiness and those which are bad. How can you maximize the good and minimize the bad?
11.(170) How much of knowing comes through seeing? How much of knowledge is based upon optical observation? How much care or indifference do you give your precious eyes?
12.(176) If artificially implanted salt solution causes decortication, what does this suggest to you about other portions of the brain being deactivated via chemical imbalance caused by today’s chemical feast?
13.(178) What is discrimination? Why?
14.(l78)Discuss the value of the redundancy-for-survival performed by the corpus callosum. How can you put it to better use to increase your margin of efficiency/survival?
15.(180) Synchronization of’ the memory playback causes maximum computational efficiency in problem―solving. But since life problems have not only a digital/intellectual component, but also an analog/emotional part, the feeling of’ liking to solve the problem is as important as the robot solution, For only thus does the self discover the way and encourage itself’ to solve more, not less, problems as age progresses. Hence, memory playback should loop back to adolescence, back to childhood and back to infantile images of how that one problem was handled/enjoyed at each stage; how that one problem now would be solved by the infant-you, the child-you, the adolescent-you, summed. The terminal matrixing will be a playsie/­funsie/gamsie of wheee-delight, latticing-in a parameter of mature wisdom based upon scientific validity and humanistic experience, but mostly burbling as child funnn.

For example: Cutting a suburban lawn with a mob of sheep rather than a power mower. Designing a school which is a joy-center rather than a fear-factory.

So, Develop the habit of solving a problem by this “Back-Looping” into memory and matrixing to earlier ages of your life. Modify this problem-solving matrix with current mature wisdom and you will generate the skill today so loudly sought―-- creative problem solving-―~ but far, far beyond the powers of necrotic others, Synchronize each problem-solving with the joy of that day. Thus will you create a complexly joy/wise and meaning/wise method of solution which forever after will be an automatic part of your lifestyle, Share your experiments with others, Teach others to do likewise.

Report your current experiments to master back-looping creative problem solving.
16.(181) What two or more roles do you play with different parts of the population?
17.Read Wooldridge’s paragraph starting at the bottom of page 181 and discuss in terms of forming a “Science of Self―Experiencing.”
18.(182) What is the value of short―term and long―term memories? How can a short-term memory be secured into a long-term memory? Which data in your personal life space would it be to your advantage to memorize into permanent storage? How will you assign priority ratings to the vast mass of important knowledge clamoring for your hungry attention to be consumed with gusto and memorized with a burp? Discuss the mass of unimportant data clamoring for your attention. How can you prevent unwanted memory decay? Why does memory sometimes decay in old age? How can you prevent it, starting now?
19.(183) How can you improve concentration of’ attention while accumulating wanted knowledge?
20.(184) What is the attention―focusing mechanism?
21.Your neural memory library is staggered under the load of trying to cope with today’s knowledge explosion. It is physically impossible for you to compute and memorize everything that others want you to learn; that you want to learn. How then can you assist your memory library and ease the job of organizing data around the unifying principle of self/life relevance? How can you organize your memory library into maximum computation for wholeness/fulfillment/­happiness?
22.(186) Since love is the supreme completion of self within a trusted other, and since individuals are so highly complex in their needs for personal growth, and since American society is not primarily aimed at creating rational love bonds, love relationships break. Trust violated causes a pain second to no other, save death. Design a therapeutic program for decaying the strength of old memories after a broken love experience. Institutionalize it. What effective substitutes for love completion can you infuse through your life while working to draw in your worthy soulmate?
23.(188) When data is crammed into the neuronal memory library, as in mass mis-education, it remains tenuously; decays rapidly; junks-out eventually. Design for the curriculum of your school of the future the best possible data memorization methodology. Design the best possible data memorization method for you now. Improve your remember­ing curve.
24.(188) Design a conceptualization which will improve the matrixing and storing and retrieval of data bits for future problem solving. Which part of the day causes most effective data recall within you? How can you rearrange your day to perform your most creative work at your time of maximum efficiency?
25.(190) A terminal thought or action is a system composed of not more than 5 or 10 “chunks” (components), and these composed of perhaps 10 to 100 data-bits (elements). The data-bits are answers to questions posed in binary form: yes/no. To become more sensitive to the physiologic basis of your heretofore grossly inattentive thought― production, write a program analyzing a terminal action down to and up from its binary elements, chunking components into final system completion. How will this skill help you behave better? How can it be applied to an intensely-blocking, intensely―emotional survival situation? (D/Cing out of a trap.) How can it be applied to increasing primary creative production?
26.What does the rate of chunking problem-solving suggest about the rate of primary creative production? How many creative problems can you solve per day?
27.(192) If memory resides in the strength of synaptic connections, how will this strength, this voltage―potential, be influenced by self―will?
28.(193) What procedure for improving thought-production and memory­ storage can you invent in relation to Chapter IV, Syllabus Of Survival?
29.What quantity/quality of human memory, directly/subtly affecting human behavior, is rooted in experience prior to that of birth? What consequences for society? For self?
30.Creativity can be defined simply as a re-positioning of two previously memorized data bits in such way as to upset the memorized relationship which heretofore solved a problem. The problem is now solved in the new, surprising way. This upsetting of an old neural matrix an old, comfortable electro-chemical homeostasis causes the laughter of embarrassment/confusion/delight. If the normal progression is A:B, then the variations are:

Reversion, B:A
Inversion, B/A
Substitution, A:X,

Within this beginning formula, write a series of nature-object jokes for each. Apply to the art forms of Chapter VIII in the Syllabus.

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