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Lesson 3: Consciousness

Your value system―unconsciously frozen or consciously analyzed into your belief system―sets up the energy forcefield through which cosmic consciousness is clicked by your amygdala backward into the old rootstem or forward into the frontal lobes. This click is the Yes/No answer to the questions “Do I understand Me/Life/Universe?” This click determines whether or not you will allow your brain to open to perceive and communicate with other intelligences via cosmic consciousness. This click determines whether or not you will allow your brain to learn backward self-therapy and forward self-circuiting. This click deter­mines whether or not you will allow your brain to grow up, transcend and mature.

Your definition of “consciousness” determines how far you allow your self―awareness and self―belief to explore across the frontier of consciousness―-to discover the clicks “Yes!”

1.What is consciousness?
2.Do you believe there is a cosmic consciousness? Why?
3.How does your current definition of consciousness determine your thought―production and emotion-production? How does this differ from the past? How shall this differ from the future?
4.Can you relax and flow with this course until you complete your own simple, believable definition of consciousness?
5.What blocks do you now feel between you and your final believable definition of consciousness? Between you and your final believable understanding of Me/Life/Universe? How shall you dissolve the blocks?
6.What is your entropy/energy inventory between competitive conscious­ness and cooperative consciousness? What circumstantial evidence does this give you about your state of anthropological/neural evolution?

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