Brain Self-Control Goals
1.1 Brain Self-Control aims at the goal of:
- Physical body nutrition, health, and self-healing;
- Intellectual creative problem solving, and primary creative production;
- Emotional joy and meaning and at-onement with each reality experience; and,
- Spiritual transcendence to higher states of consciousness expansion.
1.2 Brain Self-Control achieves its goals via the methodology of:
- Mastery of the facts and pedagogy of elementary neurology;
- Mastery of the known functional inter-relations of the major brain parts;
- Mastery of the physics of science within the dominate meta-physics; and,
- Hypothesize, extrapolate, and experiment with infinity and beyond.
1.3 Brain Self-Control goods:
- Health, happiness, productivity, and love;
- Courage, decision, work, and lifestyle;
- Social Commitment, work, and social change; and,
- Genius beyond current frontiers of knowledge.
1.4 Brain Self-Control starts with the two primordial fundamentals of:
- Primal nature (to include all of the known and unknown universe); and,
- Primal child.
1.5 Child within nature is the fundamental unit of lifenergy, lifeforce, and lifepower. All flows from this life principle as second principle: society, education, meaning, happiness, and life bliss.
1.4 Child within nature is the fundamental metaphor of self-therapy. Be again as child:
- Sensitive,
- Wonderment,
- Awe,
- Spontaneity, and
- Enthusiasm.
1.5 Science
- Scientific child within nature rationally can invent a science of self-experiencing which measures and quantifies a quality of life so it can be self-controlled and predicted to rise on an endless gradient into the vastly dormant human potential.
Figure 3: DNA
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