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Chapter 1
Electrical Property of Nerves

Editor's Note: The number in parenthesis is the page in MOB that the question material can be found.

1.Define electricity, energy, force, power. Relate each to the other. State them in a Unified Field Theory of how energy works within space/time/matter.
2.How is electricity related to happiness? To consciousness?
3.How is electricity related to body function? Body dysfunction? Healing? Homeostasis?
4.How is electricity related to life? Contemplate an anthill or crawlbug or flything in terms of the electricity within the Lifeforce
5.How does electricity differ from magnetism? How related? How are both measured and quantified?
6.(5) What is the dominant characteristic of the neuron?
7.(7) What are the three general classes of nerve cells? How can you increase your self—control over them to live a more sensitive, sensuous neural life?

Neuronal Pulse
8.(8) Describe in specific detail the precision mechanism of an electric impulse being formed and moved along a neuron. Describe the comprehensive inventory of physics/chemistry first principles which can sum to create this complex phenomenon. This is fact number one of neurology. The building block of all. Master it.
9.What is the relationship between electric impulse formation/trans­mission in a neuron and spirituality felt in whole brain?
10.How is a “thought” formed via electric impulse formation/trans­mission/matrixing? How is a “feeling” formed via electric impulse formation/transmission/matrixing?
11.Define a volt, How can you re-describe your life in terms of volting-up or volting-down thoughts and emotions into self-controll­ed basic personality structure? Into increasing control of environment?
12.(8) What is the measurable, quantifiable, numerical voltage of a neuron?
13.What is a “mili” volt? How can the scientifically accurate span of 60 to 70 milivolts be, by analog computation, used as a basel0 scale in designing a heuristic device——a “Sensitivity Curve”——based on a self—feeling scale of: —10... 0... +10? Design it. Write its program and directions for precision use by students.
14.How can you develop your sensitivity to the precision of actually feeling the subtle volt/ion exchange within neurons?
15.What causes the voltage? Why does “ionic potential difference” cause electrical energy?
16.A watt is a measuring unit of electric power; of rate of work. It is arbitrarily defined as 1/746th of a horse power. It is a volt ampere, measured by a watt-meter, You are familiar with a 100 watt bulb. MOB does not list the total watt power of the human brain. But take a guess. How many 100 watt bulbs can be lit from the electric power generated by the human brain? 1? 50? 100?

What does this suggest to you about the amount of power it takes to change your own life? To persuade others to change theirs? To control a mass into or out of conformity?
17.Describe the synapse mechanism. Do library search to understand the currently available facts relating the behavior of DNA and RNA in the synaptic dynamic.
18.What is a threshold? Give examples of threshold triggerings. How does the mechanism of threshold relate to thought_production? To feeling-production? To the positive and negative forms of each? To “Energy Force Field Collapse” and “Energy Force Field Healing”? How can some thresholds increasingly be self—controlled? Predicted?
19.(13) What is the simplest code upon which the whole brain works? Upon which each neuron within the whole brain works?
20.Inventory your simple behavioral experiences which demonstrate this on/off, yes/no, flip/flop nature of making decisions and experienc­ing self within environment. How can crucial flip/flops be self-con­trolled into choosing the opposite value? How can such flip/flops be self-controlled and summed into behavioral actions--- summed into self— controlled improvements of basic personality structure--— which have the power to change society? How can others, masses, be persuaded/­motivated to flip/flop a personal action into better/best cooperative mass actions?
21.What is a value? A polar value? Inventory a behavioral list of your yes/no values between self/environment. Write a program to change one of the values from no to yes.
22.Design a bed-sleep-wake lab experiment to experience/measure/quan­tify/replicate the actual feeling—knowing of volt-ion exchange in thought-production and feeling-production, harmonized. Do in conjunction with SOS-VII. (Syllabus of Survival, 1971)
23.Once a lab experiment has been perfected/standardized/routinized, how can you build it into your basic personality structure to become automatic behavior over trivial others? Why? What current society/culture institutions/values encourage such as an evolutionary good? Discourage such as a taboo?
24.How can the natural, observable phenomenon--the automatic homeostatic nature of brain--be shaped and expanded into a tool of daily behavior to increase demonstrably your skill at creative problem solving? Your innate genius?
25.Sensitize your self to be alert in future years to identify any extra-ordinary electrical movements felt in hitherto “dormant” sectors of the brain.
26.Design a self_sensing/sensitivity-refining standard operational procedure for daily experiencing a heightened awareness and working of self within environment.
27.On the standard neural cybernetic scale of -l0/0/+l0, inventory your threshold mechanisms in the dominant categories wherein you relate self to environment: At what volt do you blow your skull and get mad? ~t what volt do you blurt, “I love you”?


Lab Experiments and Experiences

I- CORTEX-CIRCLE NEURON PUDULING: The objective is to feel the mysteri­ous attention-focusing mechanism of brain concentrating a “thought” at specific points of tissue. Take a perch (or -pen or stone) and study its image. Close eyes and touch the pencil to forehead center. Think the word “pencil,”- at the point of contact. See the image there. Feel the whole brain puddle all thought into this one point of contact. Now move the pencil over the eyebrow. Repeat. Continue around the entire skull.

— What is your reaction to this experiment?
Since the frontal lobes are supposed to be dormant, how come you felt sensation there?
What does this all suggest to you in the way of self-invented techniques for increasing brain self-control?

II- BINARY NEURON WALKING: The objective is to experience. and discipline the fundamental yes/no, go/no-go nature of
simple muscle actions. Break down a complex action into -its elemental yes/no decisions prior to each action. Carry your amygdala click-switch. Walk and talk out loud; this program:

—Shall I start by lifting my left foot? Yes. Click. (Do it.)
—Shall I take short paces to that rock? Yes. Click.
—Shall I step over the rock? No. On top of it. Click.
—Shall I jump off?,....

III- WRITING A PROGRAM: Same as Binary Neuron v1alking your physical energy system, but now adding your intellectual energy system and emotional energy system, harmonized.

A PROGRAM is a comprehensive anticipatory design of binary questions, each of which answers its yes/no flip/flops so the straight line circuit from sensors to cortex computation to thalamus-emotion center to decision-making center to muscle-control cerebellum to muscle action is 100% open. A neural cybernetic program aims to be 100% clear, simple and efficient from problem to solution; from stimulus to response. A neural cybernetic program is defined as a precise/perfect unit of optimum life growth for the unique individual. Example:

Problem: I need a bucket of snow for a pot of tea while writing this.

1.Shall I go up on the roof for new snow, rather than right outside the door, because I piss out there fer crissakes? Obviously, yes.

(Notice. The dialog takes place first; the decision-making process takes place secondly; the final decision clicks thirdly; the executive order to the cerebellum flows out fourthly; the cerebellum muscle—manager barks the order to the worker muscle fifthly; the dumb slob muscle does the work sixthly. At low speed or high speed. Conscious now, sub-threshold/un-conscious/intuitive/~automatic later. This is the basic syndrome which later can be mastered into such goodies as auto­matic sleep writing of increased intelligence/honesty/creativity.)

2.As I go up the cabin roof slant, are my shoe -soles binding enough to cause friction enough between this geometric angle of slope related to this physic factor of snow lubrication, so I will not slip? Yes. Click.
3.As I do the movements of scooping, am I exceeding the minimum/maxi­mum pressure/angle/friction/slippage numbers? No, I hope. Click.
Wow! Flop! Re-compute to YES! Try again. Less force in movements.
4.Now that I have a full bucket, will this water be pure enough to meet my aesthetic standards; will it contain minimal soot from the chimbly, spores, pine needles, fieldmouse shit/piss and dead bugs which, even though boiled, might make the appearance gunky? Irrelevant. I already am committed to this action, hence all such considerations are rendered moot by the primary computation of getting down in binary steps without breaking my goddamrn assbones! Click. Zero voltage. Junkout.
5.Do I understand the mm/max parameters of the math/physics of the shoe/snow/slope in reverse for descent? Yes, I hope. Click.
6.Shall I descend standing up, rather than leaning backward or sliding down? Yes. Click.
7.Now that I am almost down, with but one more step before I can jump off the edge to level ground, will I relax my 100% concentration and observe a bit of beauty from this height? No. Click.
8.Now that I am jumping off into the deep old snow mound with my bucket flailing merrily and my farties firecrackering a blue tail, will I keep my attention on the work until I land, thus again ignoring the surrounding beauty? No. Click.
9.Ouch. So that’s where the wheelbarrow disappeared last fall. Is this fun? Yes. Click. I mean, no! Click click click. Winter is a harrrd life.
10.Am I a liar? Yessas. Clickie.
11.Now that I have landed with one foot through the wheel brace and the other knee deep in self-exaggerated forward stiff-bodied lean, will the angle of the lean for this weight of body be supported suffi­ciently by the counter-pressing bulk of snow? Yes. Click. Waaaal, I reckon no.
12.Shall I roll with the fall and do a headstand? Yes. Click.
13.Am I a fool for getting snow down/up my neck? No. Click.
14.Would a stranger observing me now think positive thoughts? Who gives a damm. Let’s get inside to that hott stove. Enough of this intellectual sheeee—it!

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