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The Latest Web 2.o Software
ooVoo is the next evolution in online communication — a remarkably easy way to have a face-to-face video chat with friends, family or colleagues, no matter where they are in the world.
Adobe Photoshop Express beta Upload, sort, polish, and store up to 2GB of photos. All for free. Resize, tint, distort, and more — add your mark to all your images.
Fixpicture It's so simple, select your picture file, choose some process to apply, click on OK, and you'll be able to save the picture on your computer.
Picnik, makes your photos fabulous with easy to use yet powerful editing tools.
Pando is free P2P software that makes downloading, streaming and sharing large media files fast, and easy.
VectorMagic converts bitmap images to vector art and produces results superior to Corel Draw and Adobe Live Trace...near perfection. Just upload your image and they will vectorize it for you free.
Scribd is all about documents and how to share them with others, has had a solution of its own using Adobe's FlashPaper and crunching all sorts of documents to fit in it.
Aviary still in beta, but some great tools to look forward to. Signup for invitation.
Miro the open-source internet TV application Miro launched version 1.
Songbird is committed to playing the music you want, from the sites you want, on the devices you want, challenging the conventions of discovery, purchase, consumption and organization of music on the Internet.
Flock is a browser that will make the world of Web 2.0 proud.
Web Tools
Destktoptwo is a web-based desktop that mimics the look, feel and functionality of a local computer... all contained within one browser window... and fully accessible from anywhere as long as you have an Internet connection.
Drupal is a free software package that allows an individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a web site.
issuu is not exactly new...2006, but it has all you need to both 'read the world' and 'publish the world.'
Librarian's Internet Index a great first stop resource site.
wikiHow is a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual.
lifehacker Tech tricks, tips and downloads for getting things done.
instructables bills itself as the 'World's Biggest Show & Tell'Maximum PC's Sixth Annual Softy Awards
We will only list those applications that are free.
KeePass Password Safe Slap it on your USB memory stick for the ultimate experience.
AutoGK Quick DVD-to-Div-X rips and power user features.
Auslogic Disk Defrag Wow, free defragger for Vista!
DoubleTwist An iTunes DRM stripper. More iTune tools: iPod, iTunes, MP3s
ThreatFire watches over your system to make sure malicious apps don't infect your PC.
MaximumPC Comes with very high recommendations.Microtonal
www.microstick.netHaverstick is known for composing in microtonal tunings of 34 and 19 tones to the octave, as well as exploring fretless guitar with pure tunings from the Harmonic Series. He has four CD's available, and has written two music theory books. When you think you have mastered the 12 tone guitar, then you should check this guy out and humble yourself a bit. Not only is Neil a very accomplished guitarist, but he also provides guitar instruction in the Denver area. It is hard to classify Neil. Jazz? Alternative? Fusion?
Try some microtonal action with Neil Haverstick's "Baby Fingers" off his If the Earth was a Woman CD
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