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Release Repressed Adult and Adolescent Trauma Memories


Lesson 22

1. From Lesson 21, by an act of will, bring up to full conscious awareness a single adult problem which is bothering you. Bring up something which wrongly happened during the past week or month or year or 5 years. (A bad relationship with another person. Love. Soulmating. Money. Security. Job. Career.) Write down the problem in straight narrative form. At the end, describe how this unsolved problem is injuring you physically, intellectually, emotionally or/and spiritually. Put onto paper your laser-focused, concentrated bitch.

2. Alcoholics Anonymous people have a prayer: "God, give me the power to change the things I can change, the power to adjust to and accept the things I cannot change and the power always to know the difference."

A. Itemize the parts of your problem which you can change.

B. Itemize the parts of your problem which you cannot change.

C. Inventory the strategy and tactics which you now shall pursue systematically to change each changeable part of your problem into a reasonable solution. Act-out with extreme emotion and intellectual ruthlessness a dialog with your Self criticizing your procrastination / laziness / confusion / uncreativity / fear which have prevented you heretofore from solving this part of this problem. With equally extreme emotion and intellectual ruthlessness, dialog with your Self the solution to this unit of your problem.

D. Inventory the changes in value, attitude and behavior which you now shall impose -- by an act of will -- upon those parts of your problem which you cannot change. Act-out with extreme emotion and intellectual ruthlessness a dialog with your Self criticizing your procrastination / laziness / confusion / uncreativity / fear which have prevented you heretofore from understanding this part of the problem was unchangeable; was insoluble. You must change your Self to adjust to the problem. With equally extreme emotion and intellectual ruthlessness, dialog with your Self the changes in value, attitude and behavior which you now shall impose upon your Self to adjust to this unchangeable, insoluble section of your problem.

E. Create a ritualized child toy and fun game to celebrate your new solution and new freedom from this old, gnawing problem.

3. Apply the new solution with courage, determination, drive and confidence to old relationships, plans and visions. Behave as if the new, blithe solution always has been part of your Life; as if you are going forward forever with it like Caesar Elk through the wild wheatfield. This will build your courage to keep doing what you now intuitively know is right -- even though family and conformists tell you to go back to your old neurotic (and more predictable; more controllable) way.

4. Expand your vision. From the new truth revealed, re-solve old problems into this new direction of living Life. Once you do this, your vision will expand automatically to see new change possibilities and creative consequences to living Life because your personal intelligence now has gotten back onto the correct track of your genetic intelligence. Since you now are proving via your more sane solution that you are more survival of the fittest -- more probably a mutant -- your genetic intelligence will release a few select cells and tissues from their dormancies into active integration with your 10% functioning brain. You will compute advanced thoughts and emotions. You will see advanced solutions to old problems. You will see new problems before they happen, do whatever needs to be done, quickly, and thus prevent them from ever becoming true problems. You will expand your harmonized physical/ intellectual/emotional/spiritual vision to perceive the next higher order of reality titillating your Life into better happiness. You will get this higher reality happiness.

5. Re-invest the new gush of new energy and new excitement and new motivation into a second single adult problem which has been buggin you. And remember: Before going on to confront your repressed child trauma memories, you first must clean out at lease 51% of your repressed adult trauma memories (RATM); you first must clean out at least 51% of your repressed adolescent trauma memories (RaTM).


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