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The Ultimate Musician's Index

Indexes | Physical Conditioning | Benefits of Music | Models


Index of Music Sheet Music, scales, etc.
Index Guitar Just one of the many instruments to choose from.
Index Audio Studio work, the science of music, and more.
Index DIY Learn to Do It Yourself: maintain, set-up, or build an instrument. A lot of electronics and enough tutorials to put you near the top.
Index Health and Exercises for Musicians You need to stay healthy physically in order to perform optimally.
Index Mac OS The computer is vital part of any studio today. Learn the basics and a few important tips about the Mac OS.
Index Windows Ditto above, only covers the Windows platform.
Index iPod, iTunes, and mp3s Store your music safely.

Physical Conditioning

Links & On-Line Articles
Health for Guitarists

Musician Health Exercises
Musicians and Injuries

Why is it That Musicians Suffer An Extraordinary Amount of Physical Discomfort?
Curved Fingers and Tension
Safe Gigging
External Links Addressing the Health of Musicians
Why Physical Exercise for Artists?
A Ten Point Plan for Fitness to Play
Rotation Exercises While Playing
Stretches and Back Care Exercises
The Effects of Stress on Music Performance

FAQ Relaxation Techniques
Relaxation Techniques I

Relaxation Techniques II
Stress in Piano Playing
Beta Blockers and Performance Anxiety in Musicians
Alexander Technique for Musicians

Everything You Need to Know About Sleep
The Benefits of Better Breathing

Emotional responses to pleasant and unpleasant music correlate with activity in paralimbic brain regions
Creating Melodies with Evolving Recurrent Neural Networks

Benefits of Music

Benefits of Learning Music
How We Think
Meditation Found to Increase Brain Size
The Effects of Music Training On Children's Brain and Cognitive Development
The Brain of Musicians: A Model of Functional and Structural Adaptation
Creating Melodies With Evolving Recurrent Neural Networks

Emotional responses to pleasant and unpleasant music correlate with activity in paralimbic brain regions
Teaching Whole Music Literacy
Music, Development, Aging and the Brain
The Brain of Musicians: A Model of Functional and Structural Adaptation

Music Theory and Ear Training Tools

Some Models

Brain Boots up to Process Sensory Info
Computational Model of the Brain
Biologically Based Computational Model of Working Memory
The Utility of a Neuropsychology of Religious Experience
Introduction to Computational Neuroscience
Three-Dimensional Structure of Synapses in the Brain and on the Web
Connectionist Mechanisms for Cognitive Control Dual-Core by Intelligence


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