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Lesson 28: Homo Novus

Human mutation occurs when the self-determining individual under­stands and demonstrates brain self―control to self―circuit into the frontal lobes. Consciousness computed through the frontal lobes auto­matically renders moot and transcends old roots-tern ego, Consciousness computed through the frontal lobes automatically yields God/Universe understanding, advanced problem-solving intelligence, artistic power creativity, moral fight, multiple orgasm and species telepathy to consensus action, This is the genetic/neural base within each individual to form The Great Learning Society.

The egoless human merely flows with genetic evolution toward whole brain power. Egoless human is Homo Novus.

1.Shall you do the work to evolve into Homo Novus? Why?
2.What did you learn from the Brain In Nature Course which will guarantee that you achieve your goal?
3.What is your step-by-step plan for the next year of your personal brain evolution?
4.What is your step-by-step plan for the next year to defend your integrity from the energy-sucking “friends” and the brain-destroying Authorities and the hope―destroying institutions which form the comprehensive entropy of America?
5.What is your step-by-step plan for the next year to create your family and community of reciprocally protecting and nurturing individuals growing into personal brain evolution?
6.What is your plan to change the dominant educational system which trivializes Life by forbidding the learning of democratic brain self-control to whole brain power for all?
7.What is your genius Lifework for Womankind/Mankind/Childkind?

Peace, Good luck. Good bye, T. D. Lingo



Life is Love

In holy robes

Merely popp

Your frontal lobes

Be a Child

Laugh -- and then Grow up quick

Mutate -- Transcend!

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