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One of the last greatest unknown frontiers is the human brain. Our philosophy is that if we can attain a greater understanding of how the brain works, learn to program it to fit the needs of the individual, then we as a species should experience happiness and peace on a global level. Below are numerous tools to help you understand your brain, and tools that can help you re-program it. We have jumped into the field of neural networks since it is so interesting. Consequently, our interests can work to your advantage in the tools that we will make available to you.

Sponsor US and Get Free Software
You can help sponsor this site simply by downloading some free software. All of the workbooks below are free, but to insure that we can continue to offer them for free we need your help. Here are the complete instructions on how you can help.

Brain Self-Control
A toolkit of backward self—therapy to release inhibitors blocking forward self-circuiting into dormant frontal lobes, transcendence into egolessness and finished maturation of whole brain power in the Lifeforce. The complete 1977 text is below.


Neural Cybernetics (1971)

Brain Self-Control and Computers
The news articles below, most of which have links to the actual research papers, stress an important concept that we have be using as our working hypothesis and that is "The human brain functions very much like a digital computer." This is an idea that myself and a colleague started pursuing in the late 1970's. We went as far as to write a workbook in the mid 1980's, and with the recent "discoveries" I decided to go back and retrieve all of the papers that I have pertaining to the subject. I just pulled six chapters of the book out and converted them to text files, and imported them into Web pages. These lessons are long, powerful, and free. The basic premise is that you can learn to write your own software for your personal bio-computer. The computer "language" at the time, involved working at the command prompt using DOS shell commands. Looking back at the material it seems very appropriate. I will put this book up as quickly as I can, and come this winter I will begin scanning the thousands of pages of work that I have amassed the last forty years. All material will be free.

Creative Problem Solving
Super Charge Your Brain With Some Simple Tools.

Not the typical workbook, but some no-nonsense tools that will enhance neurological performance. The key to success is to use the tools daily, and throughout the day. For example, use your affirmations while walking the aisle of the store or use your creativity techniques while doing the dishes. Important note: Be smart, be safe--do not use any of these techniques if it puts you or others in danger, ie., while driving or rock climbing!

Brain 'Boots up' to Process Sensory Info
The same chemical in the body that is targeted by the drug Viagra also helps our brains “boot up” in the morning so we can process sights, sound, touch and other sensory information. The discovery could lead to a better understanding of major brain disorders, according to researchers from Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Read more... More technical articles by the researchers are: A Computational Model of the Brain, and A Biologically Based Computational Model of Working Memory.

Duo-Core Like Chip Properties By INTELligent Brain
Cognitive control, or executive control, refers to a set of neural cognitive processes typically involved in the execution of complex tasks and most often associated with activity of prefrontal cortex. Capacities that are frequently included under the rubric of cognitive control include attention, conflict detection, working memory maintenance, working memory manipulation, and task-switching or dual-task performance, among others. Cognitive control is thought to be especially important in situations where tasks are novel or unlearned. The connection between cognitive control and prefrontal cortex is well-established. Importantly, prefrontal cortex is characterized by a significant level of connectivity to many other brain regions. Read more....

Meditation found to increase brain size
People who meditate grow bigger brains than those who don't. Researchers at Harvard, Yale, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have found the first evidence that meditation can alter the physical structure of our brains. Brain scans they conducted reveal that experienced meditators boasted increased thickness in parts of the brain that deal with attention and processing sensory input. Read more...

Human Brain Region Functions Like Digital Computer
A region of the human brain that scientists believe is critical to human intellectual abilities surprisingly functions much like a digital computer, according to psychology Professor Randall O'Reilly of the University of Colorado at Boulder.

The finding could help researchers better understand the functioning of human intelligence.

In a review of biological computer models of the brain appearing in the Oct. 6 edition of the journal Science, O'Reilly contends that the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia operate much like a digital computer system.

"Many researchers who create these models shun the computer metaphor," O'Reilly said. "My work comes out of a tradition that says people's brains are nothing like computers, and now all of a sudden as we look at them, in fact, in a certain respect they are like computers."

Digital computers operate by turning electrical signals into binary "on and off states" and flexibly manipulating these states by using switches. O'Reilly found the same operating principles in the brain.

"The neurons in the prefrontal cortex are binary -- they have two states, either active or inactive -- and the basal ganglia is essentially a big switch that allows you to dynamically turn on and off different parts of the prefrontal cortex," O'Reilly said.

The brain as a whole operates more like a social network than a digital computer, with neurons communicating to allow learning and the creation of memory, according to O'Reilly.

However, the computer-like features of the prefrontal cortex broaden the social networks, helping the brain become more flexible in processing novel and symbolic information, O'Reilly said.

The prefrontal cortex is the executive center of the brain and supports "higher level" cognition, including decision making and problem solving. Researchers believe that the prefrontal cortex is critical to human intellectual ability, and better understanding it is crucial to understanding more about human intelligence, according to O'Reilly.

If researchers can gain a better understanding of this synthesis of the prefrontal cortex and the brain as a whole, they could be on the way to a better understanding of human intelligence.

The best way to do this, O'Reilly says, is by developing more biologically based computer models of the brain to help researchers understand how the biology of the brain works, and eventually provide insights into what makes us so smart.

"Modeling the brain is not like a lot of science where you can go from one step to the next in a chain of reasoning, because you need to take into account so many levels of analysis," O'Reilly said.

"Most weather models don't exactly represent what happens in a low-pressure system, but they do capture some global features," he said. "If you capture the essence of it, it tells you a lot about how the system works . It's the same premise when it comes to modeling of the brain."

The Effects of Music Training on Children's Brain and Cognitive Development
There are quite striking structural differences in the brains of professional musicians compared to non-musicians. For example, we have found that musicians have a larger than average corpus callosum (a fiber bundle connecting the left and right hemisphere of the brain) which may result in enhanced communication between the two halves of the brain. Furthermore, brain regions responsible for movement planning and movement execution as well as brain regions responsible for hearing were found to be larger in musicians compared with matched non-musician controls. Read more...


The Brain of Musicians
A Model for Functional and Structural Adaptation

Musicians form an ideal subject pool in which one can investigate
possible cerebral adaptations to unique requirements of skilled performance
well as cerebral correlates of unique musical abilities such as absolute pitch
and others. There are several reasons for this. First, the commencement of musical training usually occurs when the brain and its components may still
able to adapt. Second, musicians undergo long-term motor training and continued practice of complicated bimanual motor activity. Third, imaging studies from our group as well as other groups have shown that motor learning and acquisition of skills can lead to changes in the representation of motor maps and possibly also to microstructural changes. Whether the unique musical abilities and structural differences that musicians’ brains show are due to learning, perhaps during critical periods of brain development and maturation, whether they reflect innate abilities and capacities that might be fostered early exposure to music is largely unknown. We will report studies that indicate that certain regions in the brain (corpus callosum, motor cortex, cerebellum) may show some form of adaptation to extraordinary challenges and requirements of performance. These challenges may eventually lead to functional structural cerebral changes to accommodate the requirements for musical performance. Furthermore, we will also show the neural correlates of one unique musical ability, absolute pitch. This ability may be linked to one structure the human brain (planum temporale), which is preferentially activated in musicians who have absolute pitch during tone tasks. This structure may undergo some form of functional plasticity that is possible only during a critical period of brain development. Read more...

Creating Melodies With Evolving Recurrent Neural Networks
Music composition is a domain well-suited for evolutionary reinforcement learning. Instead of applying explicit composition rules, a neural network is used to generate melodies. An evolutionary algorithm is used to find a neural network that maximizes the chance of generating good melodies. Composition rules on tonality and rhythm are used as a fitness function for the evolution. We observe that the model learns to generate melodies according to these rules with interesting variations. Read more...

Bobby D. Bryant and Risto Miikkulainen
Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin

The integrated processing-decoding network model of St. John and McClelland (1990) was revised to allow extracting the predicate content of complex sentences directly from an incoming stream of word tokens. The input stream was presented to the network without any syntactic markup such as bracketization, and the extraction was done without any explicit emulation of stacking, segmentation, or other such operations that are ordinarily associated with parsing a sentence. The lack of such explicit syntactic operations allowed a simulated neural network of minor complexity to be trained to the task under a simple regimen.

Continuum Neural Field Theory
Copyright (C) 2006 Nicolas P. Rougier

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this image under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


This software is a demonstration of a visual attention system using the Continuum Neural Field Theory. It demonstrates how a neural map can stayed focused on a moving target in the presence of a very high level of additive white noise. For more information, please go to the Research section.

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GENESIS (short for GEneral NEural SImulation System) is a general purpose simulation platform that was developed to support the simulation of neural systems ranging from subcellular components and biochemical reactions to complex models of single neurons, simulations of large networks, and systems-level models. GENESIS has provided the basis for laboratory courses in neural simulation at Caltech, the Marine Biological Laboratory, the Crete, Trieste, Bangalore, and Obidos short courses in Computational Neuroscience, and at least 49 universities of which we are aware. Most current GENESIS applications involve realistic simulations of biological neural systems. Although the software can also model more abstract networks, other simulators are more suitable for back propagation and similar connectionist modeling.

A downloadable version of the second edition of a practical introduction to the interdisciplinary field of computational neuroscience through the use of the GENESIS simulator (http://www.genesis-sim.org/GENESIS/). It is designed to be a step-by-step tutorial for professionals, researchers and students working in fields ranging from neuroscience to bioengineering, medicine, artificial neural networks and the cognitive sciences.

Download the GENESIS and PGENESIS distributions Be sure to read the installation procedures, and check to see what platform you may use GENESIS on.

View the GENESIS Neural Modeling Tutorials

The Book of GENESIS in PDF format

Introduction to Computational Neuroscience

The Secret Life of the Brain

Some excellent images based on the PBS series.

The Secret Life of the Brain

The Triune Brain

The triune brain is a model proposed by Paul D. MacLean to explain the function of traces of evolution existing in the structure of the human brain. The triune brain consists of the R-complex, the Limbic system, and the neocortex.

The R-complex, comprised of the brain stem and cerebellum, is similar to the reptilian brain in that it controls basic, instinctive survival behavior and thinking. The Limbic system, which he first introduced in a paper in 1952, is similar to the brain of lower mammals and is the source of emotions, some aspects of personal identity, and some memory functions. The Limbic system is comprised of the amygdala, the hypothalamus, and the hippocampus. The neocortex, also known as the cerebral cortex, is similar to the brain of higher mammals and controls higher-order thinking skills, reason and speech.

MacLean's research argues that most human behavior is the result of cooperation between the three systems of the brain. However, as the hypothesis conceives the brain as a system consisting of three subsystems, all of which originated from separate points of evolutionary history, the systems are therefore not in a state of perfect equilibrium, since they actually are three relatively independent systems constituting a bigger one.

The Triune Brain will give you a solid understanding the the Triune Brain, and why the understanding of it is of such great importance. The Self uses the Triune Brain as a foundation to build a concept of the Self. Finally, the role of social responsiblity and the maturation of the Self are discussed in: Self-Realization and Social Responsibility

Rise of the Web's Social Network

Since its beginning, the web has often been used as a tool to meet new people, but in recent years the interaction between web-users has grown dramatically, spawning a new generation of networking sites. Read more... A more scholary paper is Besser's The Information SuperHighway: Social and Cultural Impact.

Useful Brain and Mental Health Links




Transparent is the premier developer of brain stimulation and training products geared towards solving human problems and increasing human potential. Transparent products are used by therapists, businesses, M.D.'s, teachers, academic researchers and thousands of regular, every day people in over 40 countries. Transparent products serve two major purposes for musicians; the studio quality software allows the producer to create saleable recordings, while simultaneously improving the creative potential of the musician.

Brain Self-Control is a step-by-step introduction to your neurophysiological mechanism with which you can click into your dormant frontal lobes to cause the automatic "nirvana/born-again" transcendence phenomenon. A new order of intelligence, and creativity emerges spontaneously. Brain Self-Control was introduced to the public by University of Chicago graduate T. D. Lingo (PhD), in the 1950's.


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