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The Axis Pages could be Web sites in themselves. Each page subject is broken down into categories that will help you master the subject. News, and current event articles pertaining to the subject are provided, as well as current research and technologies. Some of the subjects have subcategories that will cover a particular component of the subject in greater detail.
Axis of Guitar
The beginner as well as the expert is provided with: 1) detailed explanations on how the various components of the electric guitar work, 2) playing lessons, 3) warm-ups, 4) music theory for guitarists, 5) the philosophy of learning/teaching guitar, 6) free sheet music, 7) blues scales, 8) the diminished scale, and 9) using inversions, barre chords, etc.
Guitar Index Learn about the guitar and its various components (amps, pedals) work. Comprehensive guitar lessons from beginners to advanced.
Music Index Blues and Jazz scales, and chord progressions. Also, sheet music.Musicians Health and Exercises Everything the guitarist needs to know to take care of his/her body.
Axis of Brain
Learn advanced techniques of creative problem solving, self-growth and natural consciousness expansion. Numerous original works are provided with the sole goal of helping individuals attain what Abraham Maslow called "Self-realization."
Brain Self-Control Index This is where you get your start to BSC, and the various papers and workbooks.
Brain Self-Control Workbook 1977 One of the original papers by the late T.D. Lingo. Go to the index above to see all of the papers that are currently available.
Brain, Consciousness and Psychology Links A comprehensive page of links that are related to neurology, consciousness, the evolution of consciousness and the Self, and psychology
Axis of Technology and Multimedia
Learn to fundamentals of Web design, as well as advanced techniques. Learn proper layout design, embedding music and video, and the proper use of multimedia. Subjects covered: Dreamweaver, numerous Fireworks tutorials, iMovie, file management, Web browsers, etc. A great deal of attention is given to Web site accessibility. Also, learn how to optimize your computer and get some of the best free-ware available. The role of technology in our culture is also covered, as is the general philosophy if the digital domain.Axis of Children, Parents, and the Arts
We are not born knowing how to raise our children...we learn how. Consequently, there are the poor methods of child rearing and there are the methods of raising your child into whole brain power. The importance of music in the growing child's brain is detailed as well as simple techniques on proper diet, homework, and motivating your child.
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