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Last Modified: January 9, 2007

Unit 1: Graphic Design Using Fireworks 8

Scanning | PNG Art | Copyrights | Images | Optimize Images for the Web | Constructing Storyboards | Sample Storyboards | Assignment


Directions: Read this page in its entirety before you begin the tutorial. You will be held responsible for the material on copyright, so you will want to take notes here. Once you have read this page then you may begin the tutorial. The tutorial consists of three parts: 1) Lecture material, 2) the material on this page, and 3) the material contained within the link below. You may only use the tutorial link below if you are a student currently enrolled at Palmer HS, Colorado Springs, CO. Furthermore, you agree to abide by the copyright agreement with Macromedia, and will not duplicate the material in anyway or form. By clicking on the link to the tutorial you agree to the above.

I agree to the terms above and am a student at Palmer HS, Colorado Springs, CO and am ready for Unit I: Fireworks Tutorial--TAKE ME TO THE TUTORIAL!


Introduction to Graphics and Copyright

I. Identify and distinguish between GIF, JPEG, and PNG formats. Do a search using the following key terms: image, image type, GIF images, JPEG images, or PNG images.

II. Create a graphic with the scanner.

III. Copy and save images and graphics from the Internet, using appropriate citations for copyright.

IV. Demonstrate your knowledge of copyright terms by writing a one-page, double spaced paper on copyrights.

Copyright, ethics, and fair use: What's it all about? Note: You must view this site.

Copyright & Fair Use



Introduction to Scanning

I. Define the four steps in using a scanner: Plan, Scan, Edit, and Save.

II. Scan a Black and White image.


A few scanning tips.

Image and Multimedia Database Resources


Optimizing Images for the Web

We want to used optimized images on our sites so that the images and pages will download quicker.

I. Once you finish this section of the tutorial then you should optimize all of the images on your site.


Making a Nameplate

I. Make a "nameplate" for your site using Fireworks.

II. Using the tools panel, make sure you use the following tools to construct your nameplate: bevel, emboss, drop shadow, stroke, and effect.


Planning a Logo

The storyboard concept

There are basically three types of storyboards.

I. The typical use of a storyboard is in designing movie or animated cartoons, to depict what happens in the story. A storyboard contains scene-by-scene drawings of the sequence of action, camera angles, background, and so on.

II. A graphic storyboard shows all the element of the graphic, indicating size, location, color, and font.

III. Copy and save images and graphics from the Internet, using appropriate citations for copyright.

IV. Learn how to properly construct a storyboard (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) and then preview the storyboards below and when you find the one that best fits your project, then print out some copies.

V. Create a Logo for use on the home page of your project.

Storyboard Page Content



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