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Web Button
In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to create another good looking web button.
After you started with a New document, select the rectangle tool and draw a rectangle, 130 pixels of width and 25 pixels of height.
First, we have to set border. Set border to 1, 1-pixel-soft style and the color of border is #FFFFFF. After that, set background for the button. Select Gradient -> Linear and place it like I did on the picture below, with marked colors.
After you’ve done that, select the rectangle and click Effect -> Shadow and Glow -> Glow, in the properties window. Set values and color like they’re set on the picture below.
In the end, you have to set the rectangle roundness to 20. Now you have something like I have, too. I placed text inside of that button with the following color: #CC6600.
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