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Selecting the JPEG File Format
The first step in optimizing an image is selecting the file format in the Optimize panel.
1. Launch Fireworks and open a continuous-tone image that you want to compress as a JPEG.
The example below, a photographic image with a transparent background, is appropriate for compression as a JPEG. The transparent background will be filled with a matte color to match a solid Web page background color.
2. Choose Window > Optimize to view the Optimize panel. The Optimize panel displays options for optimizing images.
3. From the File Format pop-up menu (directly below the Settings menu in the Optimize panel), choose JPEG.
By default, when you choose JPEG format, the Matte color is set to white, the Quality setting is set to 80%, and Smoothing is set to 0. You'll learn to adjust these settings later in this tutorial.
4. Click the Preview tab in the upper left corner of the document window to preview the optimized image with the default JPEG settings.
You use the Preview window to view the image with the current Optimize panel settings applied.
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