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Pill Button
In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to create a nice, good looking pill button. The button is simple, but looks really nice.
Start with a New document, any size, I use 800 x 600 pixels. Then select the Ellipse tool and draw an ellipse. The size of the ellipse should be 200 pixels of width and 80 pixels of height. Set the ellipse roundness to 100 and background color to #FF0000. Now you’ve got something that looks like an ellipse on the picture below.
Now, copy and paste that ellipse and set the folowing size for the copied ellipse - 180 pixels of width and 60 pixels of height. Place the second ellipse over the first one - look at the picture below.
Background for the second, smaller, ellipse should be Gradient -> Linear and placed from top to bottom. See the picture below and set the background like the one below with marked colors.
If you want, you can place some text over the pill button. I placed a text with #FF0000 color.
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