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Photo Inside of Text

Buttons by 9Tutorials

In this short and simple tutorial I’m going to show you how to create text with photos inside of it.


After you started with a New document, write some bigger text.


After you wrote some text, you need to set background for the text. Click the background icon and go to Fill Options -> Pattern -> and scroll untill you see Other… Click Other… and select the photo you want inside of your text. Now you have the photo inside of your text and two lines. Those lines allow you “configuration” of how you want the photo to be displayed inside of text.

Here’s my text:


Could you explain how to click on the background “ICON” and going to fill options ?? I’m using fireworks 8.. thx

Here are some pics, I hope you’ll understand.

So, after you selected your text, click the background icon and click Fill options.


Then select Pattern.


Now, select the option marked below and you’ll se some patterns. Keep pressing the maked arrow untill you’ve got “Other.” Then you click “Other” and select some photo.



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