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Glassy Navigation
In this tutorial you’ll see how to create a glassy navigation bar. After you started with a New document, follow the steps below.
Select the rectangle tool and draw a rectangle, 400 pixels of width and 35 pixels of height. Set solid background - #CCCCCC and 1-Pixel soft style border - #999999 color. Set the rectangle’s roundness to 100. After you’ve done that, select the rectangle and in the Properties window go to Effects -> Bevel and Emboss -> Inner Bevel and set all values like they’re setted on the image below.
Then go to Effects -> Shadow and Glow -> Inner Shadow and set all values like they’re setted on the image below.
After that, go to Effects -> Shadow and Glow -> Drop Shadow and set all values like they’re setted on the image below.
Now, select the rectangle tool and draw another rectangle. Set roundness to 100. Set solid background - #95CFF4 and 1-Pixel Soft style border - #666666 color. Place the second rectangle over the first one.
Select the second rectangle and go to Effects -> Shadow and Glow -> Inner Glow and set all values like they’re setted on the image below.
This is the final step. Go to Effects -> Shadow and Glow -> Drop Shadow and set all values like they’re setted on the image below.
That’s all and now you’ve got something like it’s shown on the image below.
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