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Gel Button

Buttons by 9Tutorials

In this tutorial I’m going to show you how you can create a nice looking gel button.
Before we even start, you should know that I use Fireworks MX 2004.


Now, first open Fireworks and create a New document.

Then select the Rectangle tool and draw a rectangle like 140 pixels of width and 25 pixels of height. Set the rectangle roundness to 40. Then set Gradient background -> Linear and place it from the top to bottom, like on the picture below (with the colors shown below). The color of border should be #990000.

First step

Step two


Now, when you’ve done the proccess above, create another rectangle with 25 pixels of height and 1 pixel of width. Now, place that rectangle about 25 pixels to right from the left button’s border.

Step three
Final result:

Final result

You can try to combine with other colors, too.

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