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This effect is very simple and heare are the steps to learn.
Step 1
Type a text on your canvas. Select a thick font and give the font size to 100 so the effect can be clearly visible. Then apply this Color - #620000 to the text.
Step 2Then select the text and click on Modify>Convert to Bitmap to convert it to a bitmap.
Step 3
Select the text and click on Filters>Eye Candy 4000 LE>Bevel Boss...
Step 4
Click on the Lighting tab. See the screenshot of the properties given below.
Change the Direction and Inclination values of the lighting effect. Move the white spot on the circle within its radius to do that. The Highlight Brightness and Highlight Size values can also be changed if you desire.
Step 5
The Highlight and Shadow Colors depends on the Font color used. Else, you can continue with the default settings. When you make these changes, it will be reflected in the Preview screen.
Step 6
Click on the Bevel Profile tab and select the option Carve, next click on Settings from the menu and select the option Ridged Carve.
Step 7
Here's the result!
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