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Battery Icon
In this tutorial you will see how to draw a nice looking battery icon. After you started with a New document, follow the steps below.
First, select the rectangle tool and draw a rectangle, 63 pixels of width and 35 pixels of height. Set white (#FFFFFF) background and border to 2, 1-Pixel Soft style, #003694 color. Set the rectangle’s roundness to 15.
STEP TWOSelect the rectangle tool again and draw another rectangle, 7 pixels of width and 29 pixels of height. It’s border should be 0 and background #003694. Set the second, smaller, rectangle like it’s settes on the image below.
Select the rectangle tool again and draw one more rectangle. It size should be 17 pixels of width and 29 pixels of height. Then set Gradient -> Linear background and set colors like they’re marked on the image below.
Now, copy and paste the third rectangle twice and place them like they’re place on the image below. Zoomed 300%.
That’s all. Now you have a battery icon. Groovy!
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