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I. DO NOT “FIREHOSE” THE CAMERA! – Control Your Shots!
When you wave the camera around without picking out your shots (see below) it will make people dizzy
Shot Selection: Video is a close-up medium – use close-ups and medium shots when possible
Three basic shots
- Long Shot (LS) – Also the Establishing Shot (ES)
- Medium Shot (MS)
- Close-up (CU)
Six camera moves
- Zoom In (ZI) – Zoom Out (ZO)
- Pan Left (PL) – Pan Right (PR)
- Tilt Up (TU) – Tilt Down (TD)
- Establishing shot: Long shot that shows the whole subject or location. Always get one of these!
Shot selection and moves: Decide what kind of shot to start with, and what kind of shot to end with.
For example: Hold Long Shot > Zoom In > Hold Close Up
EYE CONTACT: Want good video when you’re shooting people? Make eye contact while you’re shooting!
Always shoot close-ups!
Additional close-ups and medium shots will save you during editing and make your program more interesting!Composition and Framing
NO BACKLIGHT! – Do not shoot your subject with light in the background that darkens the subject
- Change camera angle or position so you’re not facing the light
- Get rid of light source (close blinds, turn off light)
- Move subject away from light source
- Do not shoot down on your subject - shoot at same height as your subjects
- Create Interesting Compositions: Use objects in foreground to frame shot
- Do not shoot with distracting backgrounds: Compose your shots so the subject is clear
- Headroom: Do not put person’s head or the subject of the shot in center of screen with open space above
- Lead subject: Locate subject off-center – leave open space in direction of action or attention
III. MICROPHONES AND GOOD AUDIO: If you can’t hear it you can’t use it!
- Use a mic and headphones when recording speech
- If you don’t have a mic, you May be able to get usable sound by asking the subject to speak up, zooming-out and getting as close to them as possible.
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