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My Music Store

For this project you need to construct a Music Web page. This site is targeting high school and college music sales. The site owners want to sell both music, and hardware components.

Getting Started:

1. Define site. When you define your site go to the Advanced Tab and select Templates, and then turn off the update template check box.
2. Create Images folder
3. Create index.htm

You need to do the following:

1. Construct a company logo/banner and add an Icon to Your URL andc onstruct a company theme with an image…Our music rocks!
2. Construct a home page
3. Construct a Template that you will use on all of the following content pages:
4. Construct a browse music page, where you will have ten different artist, with an album cover of theirs, and link to their site..
5. Construct a music sales page with ten pieces of music, the price, and the ability to play the piece via embedded music.
6. Construct a site map
7. Construct a hardware page where you will list at least five different audio devices, have a brief description of each, a price, an image, and link to the manufacturers site and open the site in a new tab.
8. You need to construct a directions page that will give directions to the site via a map, and have a phone number, and address. Use Google.
9. A contact page that will list the names and email address of at least three employees.
10. An about page that will describe your company. This should be no more than three paragraphs.

The web site should consist of a minimum of ten pages, including the home page.

Scoring Rubric

______ Site is user friendly and ready for publication and viewing by all

______ Overview of company (about)

______ Services and/or products offered (listed above)

______ Logo/Banner

______ Business profile (employees, location, history, etc)

______ Contact information (map and email)

______ Good graphic design techniques as discussed in your readings

______ Good color and text contrast

______ Links and/or forms work

______ Graphics compliment site

______ Indent pages

______ Use of sans-Serif fonts

______ Proper use of tables

______Op en browser windows properly

______ email links work

______ Music works

______ Hardware pages have images, links, descriptions, and prices

______ Banner links home

______ Main links on all pages

______ Alt text for images

The Rubric will be divided into four separate categories and each represents a percent of available points for that specific attribute/task/requirement.

1: 25%--Goals not met and there is no evidence of the requirement. For example, the site does not look good, there is no color coordination and seems to be a lack of planning.

2: 50%--Some evidence exists, but more than 50% of the requirements are not met or the tasks do not function as designed. For example, you only list for music products or more than half of your links do not work. Site looks ok, but fonts are mixed, color contrasting is not good, etc.

3: 75%--You have a pretty good grasp and understanding of the material. You have errors, but only about a fourth of your links don't work, or there a couple of bad links and some browser windows do not open. The site does look good.

4: 100%--Web Master! Your site is eye candy, and everything works as it should. It is obvious that you have put in a lot of thought in the design and creation of your site.

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