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How to Rename Your iPod

Sick of your generically named iPod? Let's change it!

Want to change the name of your iPod? The first time you ran the iPod Setup Assistant, you were asked to name your iPod. But many people are so excited to use their new iPod that they blow right past this step. So what should you do if you want to change the name of your iPod?

Renaming your iPod is actually a very simple procedure (we get tons of emails every month asking us how to do this). Here's a list of step-by-step instructions on how to rename your iPod:


NERD NOTE: Using the same method in this article, you can rename your iTunes Library from "Library" to anything you want. Some suggestions: The Vault, My Jukebox, Music Machine...


  1. Turn on your computer and open the iTunes application

  2. Connect your iPod to your computer. Wait until you see your iPod appear in the iTunes Source list. In this example, my 60GB Video iPod is just called "iPod". That's boring. Let's change it.


  3. Double click on your iPod's name. The iPod's name should now be highlighted and editable.


  4. Type a new name. Press Enter. This name is still boring, but at least you get the idea right?



NERD NOTE: Don't feel like opening iTunes to rename your iPod? You can actually rename it directly from the Finder (Mac) or Windows (PC) unless your iPod is set to AutoSync with iTunes. If you do have an AutoSyncing iPod, please use the procedure detailed above.


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