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Project Portfolio

For the duration of this course you will be required to maintain a Project Portfolio. This portfolio will help you pace yourself in the design, creation, and presentation of your Personal Project. You will use this portfolio to: 1) keep records of meetings with your project supervisor, 2) keep all of your class work, 3) maintain your process journal, and 4) keep your Web site specifications. The primary purpose of this portfolio is to: help you pace yourself in the completion of your project, help your organize your work, and insure that you visit your supervisor on a regular basis.

Your class work will be graded as it is assigned, passed back, and then you are to place it in your portfolio. The portfolio will be collected at least once a month for a spot check. Three things will be checked for after the initial inspection: 1) a supervisor signature acquired since the last time the portfolio was handed in, 2) Process Journal entries, and 3) the addition of class assignments.

The Portfolio

Project Portfolio Supplies

  1. A 3-ring notebook with a 1" binding. This notebook should have pockets on both of the inside covers. I prefer you get a solid black binder. Three inch notebooks will not be accepted.
  2. Six tabbed dividers. A piece of colored construction paper is not acceptable.
  3. A couple of plastic sleeves that you can put the more important pages in.
  4. College ruled paper

Title Page

This is one of the most important pages in your portfolio. You need to place it in a plastic sleeve for protection. Your Title page must contain: 1) Name of project, 2) your name, 3) class term, 4) class period, and 5) dated signatures of your advisor. Here is an example. Just copy and paste the page into your word processor, and then change the title, name, etc.

Notebook Layout

You will need a small 3-ring notebook with no more than a 1" binding and dividers.

Your portfolio should be put together thusly:

Below is what you should place in each section.

Signatures: Initially, you will not be expected to have a signature...I just want to see your portfolio. I am assuming you have met with your supervisor at least once by this time. Consequently, your supervisor may pre-date a signature since you may have met prior to constructing the portfolio. But, if you are going to your supervisor merely to get a signature for a prior meeting then that will not count as a meeting. Notice the line about the signatures that states: "I have met with the above student, and we discussed his/her Personal Project." Consequently, each time you get a signature then you and your supervisor should spend at least five minutes together discussing your project. If you have already met with your supervisor, and go in to get a signature for the first portfolio submission and the two of you spend 5-60 minutes discussing your project then you may get a second signature. Between portfolio checks you need to meet at least once with your supervisor and document such by getting a signature. You will receive a grade each time you pass in your portfolio. No late submissions will be accepted unless it is due to an excused absence.

Process Journal: One of the components of your project is to maintain a process journal. If you have not started this in earnest yet, then now is the time. Merely make your entries on a piece of college-ruled paper. If I have your portfolio, and you are working on your project and need to make some journal entries then record your thoughts on a piece of paper and you can add it to your portfolio when I pass it back. If you have already started you journal prior to getting this assignment, then make copies of each page, 3-hole punch each page, and add it to your portfolio. When I collect the portfolio, I will be looking for recent entries in your journal.

Class Work: All class work, with the exception of heuristics must be typed. I will pass them back after grading them and you are to place them in your portfolio. This will include all of your summaries on graphic design, web design, heuristics, fonts and font styles, etc.

Design Cycle-Personal Project: This will include all of the Design Cycle steps that you will document that pertain to the construction/completion of your Personal Project. You must include all of your papers since you will be given a final project grade at the end using the IBMYP rubric.

Design Cycle Personal Project Web Site: All work pertaining to the presentation of your personal project in the form of a Web site should go here. This includes: heuristics, references, Web specifications, story boards, images, page designs, etc.

Misc: What ever does not fit into any of the above will go here. For example, you may find some information on the Web that you want and may decide to print it out...here would be a good place. In this section you need to include about 20 sheets of blank lined paper.


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