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Creating a Layout with Fireworks MX 2004 and Dreamweaver MX 2004

Joey Durham


This article does not focus on new features of Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004 or Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004. It is an example of how both products together offer a powerful solution when designing and programming websites quickly.

The article will take you through the process of designing a web layout from beginning to end using Fireworks MX 2004 and Dreamweaver MX 2004. Even though the article is based on the new versions of both products, you should have no problem using this article with Fireworks MX and Dreamweaver MX.

The example layout in this article is Ultraweaver.com. I wanted to use this as an example to show how you can create a site, but I also wanted to show how complex you can get with designing in Fireworks. In my opinion, Fireworks is more than a button, navbar, and photo editor. You can create full layouts in Fireworks that you can export as HTML or even CSS.

Because I wanted to use Ultraweaver.com as the example and I am not doing a "traditional style" web layout, I have also included sample projects in the source files that reflect a more traditional style layouts.You can also download the sample files from the beginning of this article. You can apply the same process discussed in this article to the traditional style examples.

Before you begin, it is important that you are already familiar with the Fireworks and Dreamweaver tool sets. You should also have a basic knowledge of HTML. With that said, let's get started.

When designing web pages in Fireworks, you need to keep a few things in mind.

  1. You do not want to rely on Fireworks solely for HTML web page creation. Fireworks is a tool that can export HTML, but is not meant as a web page creation tool on its own.
  2. You want to be flexible enough in your design that you are not creating huge graphic files or a design that limits you on how much content you can place within it. A technique developers and designers often use is to create tiled images to expand/contract your designs. I discuss this process further in the Slicing section later in this article.

Before starting any project, you should have a pretty good idea of what you want to create. You may want to sketch out your idea on paper or in Fireworks. In the case of Ultraweaver, I wanted a layout that was similar to a handheld device. I started by shaping the outline in Fireworks. Once I had a shape, I started adding effects and gradients to give the shape outline some depth. You can view the completed interface by opening the interface.png file in the source files downloadable from the beginning of this article. This will let you poke around and use the file as a reference if you run into any trouble.

Let's start by creating the shape outline as shown in the Figure 1 below.

The body shape outline

Figure 1. The body shape outline

Create a new document in Fireworks MX 2004.

  1. Go to the main menu and select File > New. The New Document dialog box appears. Insert the following values:
    • Width: 630 Pixels
    • Height: 330 Pixels
    • Resolution: 72
    • Set the Canvas color to Custom and enter a value of #ECE9D8
    • Click OK
  2. Go to the menu again and select File > Save and name the document myinterface.png.

Creating the Shape Outline

The first shape you need to create as part of the shape outline is shown below.

Creating the body shape outline

Figure 2. Creating the body shape outline

  1. Go to the Tools panel and select the Rectangle tool.
  2. On the canvas, create a new rectangle with the following attributes.
    • Width: 600 Pixels
    • Height: 176 Pixels
    • Fill: Solid with a color of #336699
    • Center the rectangle on the canvas.
  3. On the Tools panel, select the Subselection tool (the white arrow icon) and then select the rectangle.

Whenever you select an object, you will notice at each corner there are small squares. These are anchor points. These will be used to reshape the rectangle.

Anchor points

Figure 3. Anchor points

Before you can start reshaping, ungroup the rectangle. If you do not do this, you will be unable to edit the rectangle's shape with the anchor points.

  1. Select the rectangle and click the bottom left anchor. A dialog box appears to notify you that you must ungroup the points so that you can edit them. Click OK. Notice that the point that you selected is no longer white and has turned light blue. This means that you have selected the anchor point you can edit it.

Note: This is just one way to ungroup a vector object. You can also do this by selecting the object and then going to the main menu and selecting Modify > Ungroup.

  1. With the bottom left anchor point still selected, move it 12 pixels to the right with the Arrow key on your keyboard.

Note: While holding down the Shift key and using the Arrow keys on your keyboard, you can move objects and anchor points in increments of 10 pixels.

  1. Select the bottom right anchor and move it 12 pixels to the left with the Arrow key on your keyboard.

You now have trapezoid that looks like figure 4.

Reshaping the trapeziod with the pen tool

Figure 4. Reshaping the trapezoid with the pen tool

  1. Select the trapezoid, go to the Tools panel, and select the Pen tool.
  2. Click the top left anchor point and then hold down the mouse button while dragging the mouse until you have a similar outline as shown in figure 5 below. Once you do, release the mouse button.

Reshaping the trapezoid with the Pen tool

Figure 5. Reshaping the trapezoid with the Pen tool

Not only have you reshaped the rectangle but the process also added handles to the anchor point. You can use these handles to further help you shape vectors.

To edit the anchor point with its handles, go to the Tools panel, use the Subselection tool, and click either end of the handles. Ensure that you click the end of the handle (and not the handle itself). Try to adjust it so that you have something similar to the figure 5 above. Don't worry if you don't get it perfect. Just get it as close to the shape as you can.

Note: To edit anchor points and/or its handles, you must use the Subselection tool (the white arrow in the Tools Panel).

Now you need to fix the right side of the edited shape. However, instead of repeating the process and trying to get the right side to match the left, you can take a quick shortcut and avoid this tedious task.

  1. With the Subselection tool, select the top right anchor point.
  2. Press and hold the Shift key and press the Up Arrow three times on your keyboard. This moves the anchor up 30 pixels.
  3. Create a new rectangle
    • Width: 280 pixels
    • Height: 234 pixels
    • Fill: Solid with a color of #DD0000
  4. Place the new rectangle so that it covers the right side of the edited shape, like Figure 6 below.

Creating the new rectangle

Figure 6. Creating the new rectangle

  1. Select both the rectangle and the irregular shape. You can do this by holding down the Shift key on the keyboard while selecting the two shapes on the canvas.
  2. Go to the main menu and select Modify > Combine Paths > Punch. This removes the right side completely as shown in Figure 7 below.

Removing the right side of the trapezoid with the punch command

Figure 7. Removing the right side of the trapezoid with the punch command

  1. Select the punched shape, go to the main menu, and select Edit > Clone.
  2. With the clone selected, go to the main menu and select Modify > Transform > Flip Horizontal.
  3. Move the cloned shape to the right to even out the left and right side of the interface.

Line it up so that both the left and right side equal 610 pixels wide when selected together. Figure 8 below shows both the left and right side selected. If the widths do not equal 610 pixels, adjust the right side until they are equal.

Making the right and left sides symmetrical

Figure 8. Making the right and left sides symmetrical

The Property inspector showing the width at 610 pixels wide when both sides are selected.

Figure 9. The Property inspector showing the width at 610 pixels wide when you select both sides.

  1. Once you have changed the width, select both sides, go to the main menu, and select Modify > Combine Paths > Union. This combines both sides and makes it one object.

You have now completed the shape. Your shape will look like figure 10 below.

The completed shape

Figure 10. The completed shape

Because this is a "How to" article and you are working on an irregular shape and you have modified anchors and its handles, you may have a slightly different version then what I may have. There is really no precise way to translate handle movements. To continue, it is important that you are working with the same exact file, as this will effect instructions later on in the article. Save and close your work and open the following file from the sample file download: shape.png.

Let's finish up the shape outline.

  1. Create a new rectangle with the following properties.
    • Width: 570 pixels
    • Height: 120 pixels
    • Rectangle Roundness: 10
  2. Select the rectangle, go to the Align panel, select Align Horizontal Center, and Align Bottom Edge. You can access the Align panel by going to the main menu and selecting Window > Align.

Using the align panel to align the rectangle

Figure 11. Using the align panel to align the rectangle

  1. With the rectangle still selected, move the rectangle up 10 pixels with the up Arrow on you keyboard.
  2. Select both shapes, go to the main menu, and select Modify > Combine Paths > Union.

That completes the shape outline, which looks like Figure 12 below.

The body shape outline

Figure 12. The body shape outline

Adding Content Areas

Now that you have completed the shape outline, you can layout content areas. These are the areas on the shape that will have HTML elements.

You are now going to create three new rectangles.

  1. Draw the first rectangle (Main Content) with the following properties and set it to the side.
    • Width: 392
    • Height: 191
    • Fill color: #FFFFFF
    • Stroke: 1 pixel soft with a color of #3D5C98
    • Rectangle Roundness: 5

Select the Main Content shape and go to the Property inspector and place it at the X and Y coordinates at the lower left as shown in Figure 13 below.

Setting the X and Y coordinates of the main content shape

Figure 13. Setting the X and Y coordinates of the main content shape

  1. Draw the second rectangle (Right Column) with the following properties and set it to the side.
    • Width: 160
    • Height: 191
    • Fill color: #FFFFFF
    • Stroke: 1 pixel soft with a color of #3D5C98
    • Rectangle Roundness: 6

Select the Right Column shape and go to the Property inspector and place it at the X and Y coordinates as shown at the lower left in figure 14 below.

getting the X and Y coordinates of the right column

Figure 14. Setting the X and Y coordinates of the right column

  1. Draw the third rectangle (Navbar) with the following properties.
    • Width: 558
    • Height: 43
    • Fill color: #FFFFFF
    • Stroke: 1 pixel soft with a color of #3D5C98
    • Rectangle Roundness: 22

Select the Navbar shape and go to the Property inspector and place it at the X and Y coordinates shown at the lower left.

Setting the X and Y coordinates of the Navbar

Figure 15. Setting the X and Y coordinates of the Navbar

That completes the content areas.

Fills and Effects

Now you get to the fun part of giving the interface depth with Fills and Effects. Before you dive in, I feel it is important to mention that the methods that I used to create the effects in the remainder of this article are by no means the only way to create these effects. These are merely the way I chose to create these effects. I love to experiment with effects and to see what method produces the result best. I encourage you to experiment with creating effects. In fact, you may go through the methods I used to create a certain effects and find that you prefer another method. There is no right or wrong way. So, with that said, let's get started.

Adding Shadow and Color Fill

  1. Select the shape outline and apply the following properties.

Fill: Linear Gradient with a color of #FFFFFF and #5176BB and align the color sliders as shown in Figure 16 below.

Setting a linear gradient and color for the Fill

Figure 16. Setting a linear gradient and color for the Fill

  1. With the outline shape still selected, go to the Toolbar and select the Paint Bucket tool. Handles will appear on the shape outline. Use these to adjust the color fill of the gradient so that it looks like Figure 17 below. The round end of the handles moves the gradient. The square end of the handle changes the direction of the gradient.

Adjusting the color fill of the gradient

Figure 17. Adjusting the color fill of the gradient

  1. Select the shape outline, go to the main menu, and select Edit > Clone.
  2. With the clone selected, go to the Property inspector and change the fill color to Solid with a color of #555555.
  3. Still in the Property inspector, click the Effect + symbol, choose Blur > Gaussian Blur, and set the Blur Radius to 1.5.
  4. With the clone still selected, go to the main menu and select Modify > Arrange > Send To Back.

As shown in steps 3, 4, 5, and 6, I chose to use this method to produce a glow/shadow effect around the interface. Although there is an effect called Glow which does a similar job quicker, I chose the Clone/Gaussian Blur method as I think it better illustrates the effect of a slight shadowed glow around the shape outline.

We will use the Clone/Gaussian Blur method on our three content areas as well to create another glow effect like in the previous step. Again, I could use the Glow effect in the Property inspector, but in this case, I think it better illustrates the effect of a glow around the content areas.


  1. Select the Navbar content area.
  2. Go to the main menu and select Edit > Clone.
  3. With the clone still selected, go to the Property inspector and make the following changes:
    • Set the color fill to None.
    • Change the stroke color to #FFFFFF.
    • Change the Width to 560 pixels.
    • Change the Height to 45 pixels.
    • Change X Coordinate to 35.
    • Change the Y Coordinate to 58.
    • Click the Effects + symbol and choose Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the Blur Radius to 1.0.
    • Click OK.
    • Go to the main menu and select Modify > Arrange > Send Backward.

The Navbar should look something like figure 18 below.

The NavBar with Fill and Effects applied

Figure 18. The NavBar with Fill and Effects applied

Main Content Area


About the author

Joey Durham is a Senior Designer at Chicago-based TeamWorks Media .  Durham , a Team Macromedia member, is also a Fireworks and Dreamweaver enthusiast and has written several tutorials on these products.  Additionally, he hosts an exchange for Fireworks PNG source files at www.ultraweaver.com . His most recent personal project, www.geekforum.com , is a resource for both designers and developers who are looking for inspiration and/or technical knowledge. In the rare moments when Durham is not working, he spends his free time with his wife Erika and daughter Olivia. Joey resides in Indianapolis,Indiana.


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