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Self-Diagnosis Graph: Emotion Curve
You cannot lie to your emotions. Emotions are your brain’s way measuring and signaling precisely how your cells, tissues and organs are, or are not, interacting proper1y. If they are functioning, properly, you are growing. If not, dying.
In order for you and me to communicate honestly with quantified precision, you must measure your daily intuitive feelings. Graph your rises, falls and plateaus of your emotions on graph paper weekly; monthly. Modify the words on the scale below to fit your unique personality.Give first priority to the daily creation of this graph. Your Life depends upon it.
+10 Nirvana
+9 Frontal lobes approaching breakthrough wild creativity
+8 Voluptuous ecstasy; mindbogg1ing intelligence burbling powerfully.
+7 Routine genius; theatrical efficiency; doing everything right
+6 Happiness; secure toughness solving all necessary problems; passion
+5 Flowing love goodness of Life; automatic spiritual satisfaction
+4 Efficiency of survival; doing work, but not exuberantly; tough Meee
+3 Getting my butt in gear doing what has to be done for survival; drag
+2 Grinding, plodding, joyless struggle; mindless robot; hate mornings
+1 Barely functional fragile; MUST re-start automatic self-healing
+0 Blaugh. Brain circuits collapse. Nothingness. Grow or die.
-1 Boredom
-2 Loneliness
-3 Lovelessness
-4 Anxiety
-5 Depression
-6 Meaninglessness
-7 Panic
-8 Hopelessness
-9 Fear/Terror
-l0 Suicide
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