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God and Religion
4 Nov 78 Morning pre-conscious
Research Report
Adventure Trails Research and Development Laboratories
Laughing Coyote Mountain
Black Hawk, ColoradoThe human brain is aware of its need to feel the emotion of fulfillment.
The emotion of fulfillment is the feeling that one’s physical body and ethereal intelligence are somehow in harmony with the Life force; with the Universe; with God.
God is a necessary temporary construct in the intelligence of human evolution. God is an intellectual construct to explain the need to feel emotional fulfillment. God will be transcended into an understanding of cosmic intelligence as human evolution progresses through self-circuiting of its vastly dormant neurons and glia.
Neurons and glia are the magic elements of the brain component within the system of Life/Earth/Universe. They compute emotions, then thought. Emotions are computed first so as to force intellectual thought into discovering--via observation, reasoning and scientific logic--precisely how to understand and control its own evolution into whole brain power.
Whole brain power is the terminal evolution of genetic intelligence through neural intelligence into consciousness intelligence and out to cosmic intelligence.
Prior to emotional understanding and intellectual understanding of one’s harmony with Lifeforce/Universe/God, human individuals have evolved religions.
Approximately 5000 formal religions have been identified in the past 5000 years of civilization. See: BIOGRAPHY OF THE GODS, Eustace Haydon, Frederick Ungar Publishing Company, New York.
A religion is…must been headed by a Big Daddie.
A Big Daddie guarantees the Child that intellectual understanding of one’s harmony with Lifeforce/Universe/God is not necessary. All that is necessary is Child belief that Big Daddie will take care of the world and all your problems. All that is necessary is Child belief that Big Daddie will take care of all thinking so that further thinking about the mystery of Life is no longer necessary. All that is required to receive this Child comfort of blind suck being from Big Daddie is: total obedience.
Religion is based upon the genetic fact of what Freud called the “Oedipal/Electra” complex: the need of each infant to be educated properly into whole brain power. If such parental education to fulfillment is not achieved by the teen—age of self-determination, the incompletely circuited brain retrogresses into Child ego suck behaviors. The progressively retrogressing brain seeks out, now at sub-threshold/unconscious motivation and behavior hidden from cultural disapproval, infantile re-teaching into genetically correct sequencing of connections between all neurons and pita, terminations through self-completing neural intelligence into consciousness intelligence and cosmic intelligence. Since such re—teaching is rarely achieved, most individuals collapse into personal meaninglessness, despair and hopeless-ness.
But the need to feel emotional fulfillment cannot be
denied, It is in each genetically encoded human brain. You cannot lie to your emotions. You want to feel fulfilled0 peace—filled, happy, flowing in the gentle Joy of cosmic intelligence like an airplane gliding high above the turbulent thunderclouds.You picked up the idea that such fulfillment is possible from the reports of the successful mystics throughout history.
But most children are so deeply mis-educated in their brain potential that most adults cannot even understand this dynamic. Yet they hurt. Yet they feel the sub-threshold/unconscious need for emotional fulfillment, even though they cannot understand intellectually.
Religion fills this need.Religion fills the genetic/neural need for a Big Daddie image who promises— but doesn’t-—to re-teach the retarded brain Child precisely. how to do the step-by-step procedure which is genetically correct sequencing of connections between all neurons and glia, terminating through self-completing neural intelligence into consciousness intelligence and cosmic intelligence.
Since religion is ignorant of its own neural and anthropological substrates, and since religion is intuitively smart about the of intellectual/emotional fulfillment, all religions hold up this bait to the obedient Children: the nirvana/satori/kensho/mokaha/born-again experience. “If you believe in me with total, blind faith, and if you are totally obedient to my commandments, I---Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Tao, Priest--- will teach you Thee Way. I will teach you the step-by-step procedure to transcend your Oedipal/Electra complex and your ego so you too can achieve the cosmic orgasm of total understanding of your Self---past, present and future---and your place in the Universe. Believe in Me and I will lead you to My Fathers God.” The evolutionary black hole.
Obviously, throughout history, few have hit the whole brain powered jackpot.
They were putting their coins in the wrong holes.
Now the Jackpot can be hit by any intelligent person who wants to grow up beyond Child who truly wants to understand his/her basics neurology, consciousness physics and cosmology to release his/her dormant neurons. As a first step, the 3/8 bulk of dormant frontal lobes can be self-released.
Mass-multiplied, the consequence to planet survival, population maturation and ecstatic civilization are obvious.
All that is needed is dedicated workers: learners of and teachers of democratic brain self-control.
Copies to McComb, Stark, Kehres. It’s Injun Summur on the mountain, I’m learning Law/Courts like wheee, Fixin to brine the whole ^%*#(*^ bureaucracy of Colorado into District Court next week. Love to all. TDL
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