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The Possibility of Consciousness Physics

Consciousness Physics Research Organization

Adventure Trail Research and Development Laboratories
Laughing Coyote Mountain
Black Hawk, Colorado

Newtonian physics postulates that the observer is outside the system being observed, thereby reporting “objective” evidence from his/her measurements of that reality system.

Quantum physics postulates that the observer is inside the system being observed, thereby reporting partially subjective evidence from his/her measurements of that reality system

Both report a different perception third measurement of reality.

Consciousness physics postulates that the observer is One with the system being observed, thereby reporting totally subjective evidence from his/her measurements of that reality systems

Consciousness physics takes the subjective perceptions and micro measurements of Quantum physics and puts them into a Newtonian measurement system to yield objective macro measurements

Consciousness physics accepts the subjective micro measurements between an individual and his/her cosmos/mystic reality then puts them into a Newtonian measurement system’ yield objective macro measurements of data which come from outside the Earth system,

Consciousness physics encourages the observer to go inside of his/her subjective system of mystic perception and communication through dormant brain and to report his/her subjective measurements of mystic perception and communication with cosmic intelligence. This much can be goofy mumbo jumbo. This much can be the reportage of an ego fool sharing a personal fantasy or insanity with the white coated quack. But now good old Newtonian scientific method of inquiry sepa¬rates the duck shit from the Columbus/Fermi data. Old fashioned Newtonian measurement clanks through the seemingly comical cosmical data and sets it up for a simple, clear yes/no test.

If the subjective, mystic communication is personal fantasy limited between just one set of ears, then no objective verification is possible.

But if the subjective, mystic communication is a true contact with cosmic intelligence, then objective verification is possible.

Merely feed into the communicating Earth brain computer a set of data comprehensively describing the farthest limit of understanding in a specific field of Earth knowledge and ask for the next step of Newtonian experimentation. The experiment will verify the contact with the big computer in the sky. Replication will prove it.

The possibilities of consciousness physics then go exponential.

Each individual’s brain has the capacity for infinite intelligence.

The possibility of consciousness physics is for each Earth indi-vidual to perceive and communicate with ultimate reality.

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