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Research Report Measurement of Frontal Lobes
Adventure Trails Research and Development Laboratories
Laughing Coyote Mountain
Black Hawk, Colorado
Measurements are made after test subjects se1fcircuit into frontal lobes. Changes in personal perception, intelligence, emotion and communication are reported subjectively for self awe and objectively for experimental advance.
- Intensification of sensing through eyes, ears,, touch, smell, taste.
- Mixing of sensing; seeing sound, tasting sunshine, feeling clouds.
- Eidetic images seen with eyes closed; same mix of sensors.
- Slowing/accelerating of time; contraction/expansion of space.
- Body image contracted to an atom; expanded to a Universe.
- Being your organs, glands, tissues, cells and observing “Big Me.”
- Intensified sensitivity to linguistic nuances; understandings.
- Intensified sensitivity to nonverbal, body language communication. Intensified sensitivity to telepathic communication; consensus action.
- Intensified sensitivity to feeling/giving/haring love.
- Intensified sensitivity to primal nature energies experienced through all sensors as surprise flows of consciousness communication between self and forests, animals, massifs and stars. Mystic at-onement.
- Intensified recall of unconscious memories. The iceberg turns over.
- Accelerated, effortless, joyous flow of advanced prob1emsolving intelligence; multiple track computations.
- Non—Earth thought content.
- Heightened delight in learning via each analyzed fact related to your neurons, consciousness, body, Life, destiny and Universe. Belief.
- Increased artistic power creativity automatically mixing elements of known reality via child playsie funsie gamsie relationships. Facts A & B become B:A, A/B, A:C. Newly invented/intuited relationships are tested scientifically to discover new realities. Giggling genius.
- Ego click back/forward in brain; dissolving in and out of infinity. Life-meaning expanding constantly toward infinity. Fun play with God. Life.-meaning expanding toward humanity; egoless dedication to work.
Decision Making Process:
- Intensified capacity to concentrate on problem solving.
- Intensified capacity to concentrate on self therapy. Intensified capacity to grow into positive self-confidence wholeness.
- Intensified capacity to concentrate telepathically into disturbed and non-growing others so as to read the raw nerve conflict blocking automatic genetic growth and to invent the polar confrontation gimmick between inhibitor and energy, thereby releasing flow to freedom. Healer.
- Intensified quantity and quality of multiple orgasm self-cleansing.
- Intensified reading of your own genetic code to accelerate growth.
Cosmology :
- Understanding and belief in Universe and God.
- Understanding and belief in Mankind/Womankind/Childkind.
- Pragmatic contact with galactic civilizations to receive testable fact.
- Child honesty, child trust, child growth. Happiness.
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