Self Transcendence Workbook
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Introduction To Your Completion
You are true. You are beautiful. You are good. Just as you are right now. Merely by being who you are at this very moment when your eyes are reading this page, you have the potential to be great. The brag is not phony. All that blocks the way to your perfect fulfillment is your lack of self-confidence. You shall juice up your heroic self-confidence immediately merely by learning a few facts about that tasty thing between your ears, washed or unwashed.
Your rot of self-confidence in your Self is caused by only one thing: Nobody ever told you -- with hard facts and scientific honesty -- that all human brains are 90% dormant. And that they can be self-released into an awesome new order of intelligence, creativity and longevity. And warless Earth.
You now shall start to liberate your own meat into whole brain power.
Human evolution begins with God’s toy: Universe. Universe contains 100,000,000,000 galaxies. Each galaxy contains 100,000,000,000 stars. Most stars have planets whirling around – some too close and hot, like our Mercury and Venus; some too far and cold, like Uranus and Pluto. But some just right: like guess who?
God’s hermaphroditic sperm and ovum game is de-oxy-ribo-nucleic acid. DNA. Your Ma’s ovum seducing your Pa’s sperm gave you the biggest sex organ you can hold in your hand. And most of it still is dangling asleep. As soon as you awaken your total brain potency, you will chat nicely with all your Brothers and Sisters out there in all those civilizations. Zero-time transmission of thought. The new consciousness physics, finally, is emerging. Infinite skull TV. So far, the public’s schools have not figured out how to turn off 19th century trivia and to turn on this 21st century machine so that it generates for each student all emotions and thoughts of 100% truth, 100% beauty and 100% goodness. Instead, our entire planetary culture has kept us ignorant of the single, simple fact that each of us is driven by this explosive neural magma. The way we all live Life together through TV never mentions the brain. The way we all dress in clothes and eat food and talk to each other never refers back to that first cause of all these actions: our brains. Earth culture keeps us ignorant of our basic neurology. And such ignorance causes the machine to rust.
So you now are thinking with only 10% of your available brain power. You now are feeling happy with only 10% of your potential for unlimited ecstacy. You get up every Monday morning and go to your money job with only 10% of your enthusiasm and genius. And freedom. You understand your spiritual place on planet Earth in Universe with only 10% of your intelligence.
How Does This Workbook Work?
You now shall start to emancipate 100% of your “PIES”: your physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual brain energies. You shall not do this by quitting your job and abandoning your family and escaping the city and joining some monastery atop some mumbo jumbo hillock to meditate a blank wall for 20 years in the hope of glimpsing enlightenment. Rather, you shall get your no-nonsense maturation quickly by means of the simple, clear, proven facts of science. Science now can teach you how your brain works and how you can control it into the ultimate cosmic orgasm. And you shall do this not as hard work, but as child play. At home. At work.
You shall complete your health/vision/work/career/freedom/Life into perfect happiness merely by doing the exercises in this Workbook a few minutes each day while following the Lifestyle you now choose.
Start by realizing that your brain is like a 10-cylinder car motor firing only one piston. How do you expect to drive to the top of your inner mountain with that wheezy jalopy? Let us lift the hood and study those 9 wires dangling from your genetic distributor cap and un-connected to your 9 un-energized spark plugs. Let us connect a few. You soon shall start to fire two pistons; three pistons; four. . . . Begin now by learning the easy names of just the primary parts of your brain and how they work in cooperation with each other and how you can control different cells to guide each organ into firing more pistons so that the entire engine works more harmoniously with the gross contraption of your Life. You shall learn to control your skull motor into perfect team spirit with Life and perfect happiness with Self. This text is your Owner’s Manual.
You shall learn the self-confidence and skill of guiding your own brain into ripe power and moral goodness. You will do this immediately by means of the step-by-step discoveries in the following first pages. These easy instructions teach you but one supreme fact about your brain:
It is automatic.
It is driven genetically by automatic DNA. It wants to grow up into complete truth, beauty and goodness. Only cultural mis-education has blocked the way. Only your lack of understanding the facts and potentials of your own brain has blocked the way to your final success and peace of being. All you must do now is a few mechanical manipulations of your thoughts. This will cause your cells, tissues and organs to flick reflexively into super brain.
Now, at long last, you are going to allow your Self to finish growing up from your competitive animal evolution so that you can communicate cooperatively with all other brains; with the stars. You now, finally, shall remove the inhibitors to growth which you learned in the nursery and in school. You now shall un-block your genetic drive so that it can re-start spontaneous self-circuiting into those 90% dormant cells, tissues and organs. You now shall wire up more and more of your neurons into greater and greater piston firings so your brain engine can zoom forward, automatically, into endless new discoveries revealing the free magics of Life. From this day onward, you shall unfold your unlimited new powers of feelings, thoughts and actions cumulating up to your perfectly functioning 10-cylinder earth motor purring magnificently into space rocket.
Why Should This Workbook Work?
Are you part of the living organism pulsing and growing toward perfection over its fiery molt and within its verdant biosphere: Earth?
Are you a living love of healthy hope helping to unify and harmonize our throbbing and breathing child surge beyond warly rebellious adolescent earth?
Are you a simple searcher who wants at-one-ment between all people on our soon to mature planet so that our home Milky Way Galaxy shall accept into final confederation our laughing Earth?
If so, Life believes in you with 100% faith. The lifeforce believes with 100% trust of the cosmic, genetic and neural energy facts that you can make it into transcendence and transmutation. Lifepower has written this Workbook (through someone’s brain and fingers) to help you get that fulfillment for your Self. All you need do is follow the scientific facts and do the cookbook exercises. The brain is an automatic Godly mechanism. Merely click the click-switch and it shunts itself mechanically through its own dormancy to release its own infinity and eternity. Heaven on Earth. Lifelong growth.
Take the first step. Laugh. In love.
When Shall This Workbook Work?
Self Transcendence Workbook undermines your neurosis. The best way is to read it straight through and do the lessons in order. But this may be too much too soon. If so, just dip in wherever a title titillates. Each lesson is designed to give its good by itself. You then can create your own chain of linked homeworks into your own matrix tennis net of expanding understandings until you form your own lattice framework tool with which to dig into your brain pile of neurosis.
Every little bit you dig out collapses a little bit more of your prior confusions, pains and fears. Each day that you probe under your old bad learnings caves-in yet another part of your emotional depression disease. Eventually, your pickie pickie work here and there down the mineshaft of memory, along the drifts and slopes of childhood traumas and into the main tunnels of your total malformed personality will collapse the entire massive massif mush of your neurosis to allow you to burst out and soar free into redemption and salvation up to the nebulae.
Yes. Dip into the Workbook here and there. Skim. Until courage ferment.
Work 20 minutes a day. Work in the morning when you wake with voluptuous glee, before the metallic dictator clangs and poisons your deliciousness. Work while driving the frolic freeway, zapping your rocketship between the comets. Work while ignoring the holloween masks on the bus and the gargle breaths on the subway. Work while doing your ordinary money making job and dancing around brain-blind mates and teasing grumpy boss (carefully, carefully). Work at home during bathtub duckie dunkin; during holy supper feast. Work before sleep.
At each twist and turn of your exploration you will feel tiny sluices of love. Small joys of insight. Growing slabs of wisdom. Large rumbles of growth. Keep picking away. Then, one mysterious day, your total neurosis will avalanche down and your total genetic intelligence will erupt up. Perfectly. Into total You.
The best part of self-therapy is that each day you feel better as you dig out each piece of old rotten neurosis. Each section of the Workbook is designed to guide you to shovel out different stinking hunks of your past miseducation so that the fresh, clean breeze of genetic healing can cure that one small part of your natural happiness. Instant gratification. Instant growth. Instant reward. A progressive gradient of sexy spiritual climaxes happens. Progressive emotional euphoria. And each rumble of revelation adds up to the final brainquake: transcendence.
Soh. Courage. You shall make it. Atonement with Life/Universe/God. Nirvana. Automatically.
“Hi God. Sorry I’m late. What’s fer lunch?”
Scientific Foundation Of This Text
Science is the method by which a fact is discovered. A fact is a thing which forces you to believe it is real: snow, fire. Reality is the integration of facts which invites you to discover the endless expansion of your brain intelligence out through the Lifeforce upon Earth to the stars, galaxies, Universe and God.
Science is the method by which the fact of the 90% dormant human brain was discovered. Science also is the method by which the fact of self-transcendence was discovered. With this technique, you can experience your infinite expansion out of your ego to the nebulae. To God. To eternity.
The science of brain self-control was developed at our dormant Brain R & D Lab from 1957 onward, with the cooperation of over 300 test students. Three controlled experiments were run to evolve the methodology. Experiment #1 was from 1957 to 1967 with 100 children within a spectrum of IQs and creativity quotients. Experiment #2 was from 1067 to 1977 with 100 young adults. Experiment #3 is from 1977 to 1987 with 100 older adults. In 1982, the final replicated proofs were converged and verified. The self-transcendence technique was perfected. We now know how to teach any self-motivated individual precisely how to self-click his/her master click-switch, the amygdala organ, into automatic frontal lobes transcendence. The program drill now is routine. Mere administration. The drill is this Workbook.
Our three experiments were based upon standard scientific discoveries – as reported in several hundred professional journals – within the fields of astro-physics, geology, paleontology, anthropology, neurology and genetics. These journal citations, and the details of the three experiments, are described in detail in the parallel companion text to this Workbook: our Mass Transcendence Guidebook.
Within this comprehensive data base, we performed parametric experiments designed to test one factor and delete one factor. From those tests, the precision regimens of self-therapy, brain self-control and self-transcendence emerged.
In the human, genetically-driven brain, transcendence is automatic. Transcendence merely is the absence of neurosis. Transcendence is caused merely by self-therapizing and out-growing one’s own neurosis. Once that process starts, the step-by-step acceleration of transcendence is caused merely by allowing the amygdala to click more and more into the dormant frontal lobes (your entire forehead). This causes nirvana.
The brain self-control method is democratic in the extreme. No cult brainwashing or religious big Daddy bonding or mass insanity suicide is possible. And the method is free. Each one teach one.
This Workbook is designed for anyone who has had at least one or two years of college mental discipline, not necessarily in science. The determined high school graduate also can work through it, but with more use of the dictionary to understand some of the words. For those who dropped out of high school, go to our easier, more simplified Brain Self Control text. It offers the same exercises herein, but streamlined and with less scientific background. For the functionally illiterate, we have our comic book: Billy Brain and Betty Brain – Supermutants. The BIFF-BAM-WHAM pictures and few words also can teach personal self-release of one’s own dormant brain powers. And for the Ph.D. segment to complete the mass population circle, meticulously reasoned dissertations are being presented to professional journals. Thus is all of America being blanketed.
The point is this: Whether highly educated political thought leader or ordinary office worker or uneducated truck driver, every single, individual American needs exactly the same thing. Every person needs to be persuaded scientifically that all people on the planet can outgrow their adolescent temper tantrums trending toward Mother earth suicide. Every person needs to see scientifically that the critical mass of mutants is in-gathering to form the Great Brain Learning Society. Every person needs to believe scientifically that Earth Wo/Man is on the verge of love-detonating our genetically routine brainbomb. After that, Earthbrain will be unified. Harmonized. Each of us will be able to communicate via zero-time transmission of thought with all other matured galactic planetary civilizations. Confederated skull TV will be more fun than murdering Ma.
What Is Transcendence?
Happiness is nothing more than self-releasing your 90% dormant brain into transcendence: into whole brain power.
Unhappiness is nothing more than enduring the pain of a 10% functioning brain. It is exactly like suffering the anguish of a 10% functioning car motor. Being unhappy is being aware that your genetic drive – your automatic growth energy – is pressing painfully against the closed circuits of your constipated meat that feels and thinks. The pain is caused when your consciousness grunts against the closed sphincter of your destiny, demanding to get out of the trap so as to soar free.
The ultimate goal of Life within all cultures throughout all history has been to achieve transcendence.
Transcendence merely is outgrowing neurosis.
Transcendence is caused merely by clicking the brain’s master click-switch – the amygdala – forward to shunt electro-consciousness energy into the 1/3rd bulk of dormant frontal lobes (your entire forehead), thereby causing the ancient and venerable mystic enlightenment experience: “nirvana, satori, samadhi, kensho, moksha, Tao flow, kairos, vallhall, medicine vision, born again. Adamic child, I see God face-to-face.” This direct knowing of ultimate reality has been reported as valid experience by all religious mystics within all planetary cultures throughout every era of history.
Transcendence is the overwhelming emotion and intuitive knowledge of being finished with all confusions, pains and fears in this Life. No more suffering. Omnipotent love flows in as a constant torrent.
Transcendence is never again – ever – feeling the standard human gradient of 10 retrogressing emotions: boredom, loneliness, lovelessness, anxiety, melancholy, depression, meaninglessness, desperation, hopelessness, terror. Then, poof. You outgrow all physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual sicknesses.
Transcendence is the automatic release of a new order of genius intelligence, astonishing creativity, natural immune system health, multiple orgasm, longevity, species cooperation to consensus action and ethical goodness helping all others to transcend.
Transcendence is a string of firecrackering synonyms. Happiness. Fulfillment. Peace of mind. Gladness. Contentment. Egolessness. Bliss. Passion. Cheerfullness. Radiance. Delectation. Enchantment. Success. Prosperity. Security. True love. At-one-ment. Perpetual beatitude. Daily euphoria. Ultimate meaning. Heaven on Earth. Paradise.
Transcendence dramatically changes your relationship with other people. You share reciprocal growth with soulmates in total trust and egoless love. You invent imaginative ways to motivate worthy friends so that you can teach them to rescue their own latent frontal lobes.
Transcendence causes a new form of social behavior wherein you feel an overwhelming desire to cooperate with blustery bosses and boffo bureaucrats. This inspires you to be inventively kind and creatively gentle as you communicate with those power authorities who always are self-defensive. You understand that they are self-defensive because they are 10%-brained pained; because they intuitively know they are untranscended; neurally incomplete. With this understanding, and with their own knowing, you persuade them to change their power actions. And their actions may be as prime as killing the planet with thermonuclear rockets. So you guide them into stopping their own stupidities by loving them as they never before have been loved.
Transcendence is the neurophysiological Way which is compatible with, and supplementary to, all other Ways of all other schools, religions, philosophies, ideologies, therapies and growth programs. It can be mass-multiplied through these Ways, merely by adding the facts of neurology to their beliefs and rituals.
Transcendence is your brain’s genetic gift with which you can fly above the clouds, there to look down upon your daily trivia, to see forward to the ultimate horizon of your destiny. Thus do you adjust each second, minute, hour, day and year of your precious Life to live totally intense ecstacy and song and love the laugh and meaning within the tickling stars.
Transcendence is democratic in the extreme. And free.
Transcendence is the realization of your full human potential.
Transcendence is egoless fluency with the Godly Lifeforce.
Transcendence is moral power.
Loving Legal Disclaimer
Beloved Brother/sister, let us hold hands and enter this bridge to your ultimate maturation with respect and affection. If, by chance, you feel this Self Transcendence Workbook triggers unbearable confusions, pains or fears while reading it, stop reading it. If you feel you are bringing up to conscious awareness traumatic memories which overwhelm your capacity to self-therapize and discharge them, go to a professional therapist. If you discover you are unable to take care of your Self freely, go to someone who is happy to take care of you, for money – lots of it: psychiatrist. If that, this Workbook is not for you.
The sad thing, Trustworthy Friend, is how many people in America have gone insane. They sue their neighbors, their relatives and their teachers simply because help is offered. The reason they bite the hand that feeds them is because their neuroses hurt so badly. They are angry at themselves and against Life for causing such constant pain. The real motivation for their attacks is because they feel embarrassed and guilty about not being able to control their own Lives. Hence, they turn that anger and guilt outward against others so as not to be forced to see the true mirror cause inward. Most specifically (and irrationally), they strike against those who are trying to help them cure the ache.
Soh. Dear One. If your emotions become too unstable to continue reading this Workbook, do not sue us. Go see a shrink. Or a priest.
Knowing that, we herein, double sadly, protect our Selves from being sued by anyone who does not understand the magnificent magic of brain self-control; the gorgeous glory of self-therapy; the titillating tease of self-transcendence. Thus, any student pioneer who dares to pursue ultra being through continuing to read and follow this Workbook does so with informed consent. You hereby lovingly assume full responsibility for your own salvation of personality, voluptuousness of intelligence and awe of spiritual fullfillment. No one else can do it for you.
The contents herein are generalized discoveries and extrapolations for all humans. They are not intended as one-on-one, therapist-controlled therapy nor specific intervention into any person’s personal problems of living Life zoomingly. The use of the word “you” is to the generalized audience, not to a specific person’s neurosis or psychosis. How could it be otherwise, since this is being typed before the book is printed; before “you” specifically buy it and use it?
The simple fact, Sweetheart, is this: By reading and doing this book as an act of free will, you give up all sad notions of dragging us down off the wilderness mountain into wilder city court on the allegation charge of teaching malpractice. Or wrongful action. Or misstatement. Or omission. Or breach of duty. Or personal injury. Or dishonesty of intent. For the simple logic is this: If you don’t like what you read, you do not have to read it. You do not have to do the suggested exercises. Better to place this text next to your toilet for final reciprocal farewell.
Know one thing, Darling: An emotionally unstable person who cannot comprehend the human potential and who cannot transcend into higher reality cannot claim these generalized ideas and methods – democratic in the extreme! – are the direct and unimpeachable cause of his/her personal breakdown into permanent lower reality. An emotionally stable person uses these guides as just that: guides. To freedom. To love.
All students who go through this program in city workshops or in residence on the mountain realize that the most fun in Life is to be self-responsible for one’s own transfiguration. A teacher can only enfold you with warmth and adoration and wisdom and jokeiness and delight and wonder. And nutritious mountainman soup. For the entire point of today’s last-chance, planet-terminal brain revolution is that each individual, democratically and freely, falls or rises to her/his natural level of growth into supreme intelligence. No outside person “causes” laziness or hustle; break-down or break-up; burnout or skipping to the stars. Only you do.
Soh relax, Unseen Soulmate. We want to give you only your Godly gift of fully transcended brain passion.
T. D. Lingo