Ron McComb
This quiz has two parts. The first part is worth 30 points and the second part is worth 25 points.
Part I: For this part of the quiz you are to do three things. 1) Define a site called My_Quiz Yes, you may use the link Define a site to figure out how to do it. 2) Create a folder within the site called Images. You are to keep the images that you use for this quiz in the folder. 3) Create a file called index.htm Again, this part of the quiz is worth 30 points...if you do not have all images in the folder then you will loose 5 points.
Part II: You are to create a web page using Dreamweaver that will look exactly like this page. The background is black, the font is: Geneva, medium, with #FFCC00 as the font color. The title is "Heading 1." Put your name where you see my name. If you use my name instead of your name then you will loose points. OUCH.
I have indented the body twice. That means that everything on this page is at least 2 indentations from the left border.
This is a picture of a dog that I once owned. You are to copy the image onto your web page and you need to format the picture so that it is this size or at least close to being this size. In other words, your image does not have to be the exact size pixel by pixel of my image. Furthermore, you need to put it on the left and type some text like I am doing here. For your text you can just select all of the text on this page and paste it onto your page or you can copy and paste your About Paper. Regarless, I want to see text to the right of the photo. Note: I have resized the photo. How? I pressed the <shift> key, grabbed the photo, and resized it. It thus retained its proportionality. Notice the space around the photo? You not only need to format the photo so that it is on the left, but you also need to put a border space around it...I used '10' for the size.
Notice the link on the bottom of this page. You are to create a link to my site that will open in a new tab. Notice that the link shows an underline only on rollover, and is white at all times...OUCH! You must do the same. Also, please take note, my link works!
You do not have to create any ordered lists like I have below. I am primarily concerned with your ability, or lack of, to create a page with specific properties; import an image and format both it and the text that it is embedded within; and create a link that has specific properties.
Points Total: 55
10 Define site properly with no special characters
5 Create Images folder
5 All images are in the Images folder
10 Create a index.htm page
5 for the color of page and fonts.
5 for the resized photo.
5 for formatting text around the photo properly.
5 for proper link color.
5 for opening page in tab. It is all or nothing. You either did it and get the points or you do not. You may NOT use a table to format your page.Rules for the Quiz:
1) you may not talk to anyone,
2) you may not look at any monitor other than your own, and
3) you may not view/access the source code for this page.Ok, get to it and have a good time.