Draw a Windows Media Player orb

In this tutorial you will find out how to draw an orb similar to Windows Media Player orb.

Start with a new document, any size.


Select the Ellipse tool and draw an ellipse, 38 pixels of width and 37 pixels of height. In the properties panel (CTR+F3 if you don’t have it opened) set border to 1, 1-Pixel Soft style, #4367A3 color. Then set background, Gradient -> Radial. Set the radial line like it’s shown on the image below.


After you’ve done that, select the Ellipse tool again and draw another ellipse, 36 pixels of width and 40 pixels of height. Then select the Rectangle tool and draw a rectangle, 120 pixels of width and 25 pixels of height. Now, place those two vectors like they’re placed on the image below.


After you placed them likey it’s shown on the image above, select both vectors and go to Modify -> Combine Paths -> Punch. Now, should have something like I have on the image below(zoomed 400%).


Now, select the Pen tool (or hit P) and create a vector point like I did on the image below.


Afetr the vector point step, select the Subselection tool (or hit A) and do the action I did on the image below.


When you made a new shape, select it and set background to Gradient -> Linear and set the background line like it’s marked on the image below, just like the colors, too.


Place the second shape, the one described above, over the first ellipse. See the image below, zoomed 400%.


Select the Star tool, it’s placed in the same inventory where is the Rectangle tool and others, and draw a start, any size. Now, click on the points spot and drag it to the right side so you get a triangle.


Select the triangle and press CTRL+SHIFT+9 and set the following size for the triangle, 15 pixels of width and 15 pixels of height. Set solid background, #003366 color. Place the triangle in the middle of the first ellipse.

Slika 9


This is the final step, in the Layers panel (hit F2 if you don’t have it opened), select the Star Auto Shape layer and drag it below the second shape, that is below the shape which has the vector point you added before. Now, you should get the WMP orb and here’s my result.

Used software: Fireworks MX 2004

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