Note: The title is centered, H1, and is color #FFCC00
These are your page and link properties:
Font Arial
Size: Medium
Color: #FFFFFF
Background: #000000
Link color: #FFCC00
Visited Link: #FF0000
Rollover Link: #33FF99
Active Link: #CCCCCCStep 1: Write a brief introduction about you.
Step 2: Insert, and center an image.
Give your image a name!
Now you need to link to a couple of pages. The first page you need to link to is:
The second page you need to link to is:
Your links should look like this:
Note: there is no line between the two breaks...hmm, how is this done?
Just for kicks, let's add another image.
This is my teacher!Now you are to add a table. The table should have four cells and you need to place an image in each cell. Center the table.
Note several things about this pretty table, and it is pretty! There are no borders, the table is centered, there are no spaces between images which means all of the photos are the same size. You can use these photos by clicking on them and using the "properties" url path.
The very last thing you are to do is to make a list. Here is an example.
My Favorite Things:
- The Blues
- Jazz
- Guitar
- Music
- Computers
- Good Books
- Pretty Dogs
- Nice Smelling Parakeets
- Cold Bologna
That is it. It is a difficult project, but once you do it then you will appreciate Dreamweaver all the more. You need to focus on coding and the appearance of your page. Be sure to use HTML Helper.