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1.Universe: Space, time, energy, matter and consciousness.
2.Consciousness: Teaching/learning energy; the intelligence which orders all other energies into evolution. Travels in zero—time from intelligence #1 (energized) to intelligence #2 (entropized), regardless of distance,
3.Life: Any organic system which is aware, grows and reproduces.
4.Brain: The central control organ which directs all biological activities, emotions and thought productions computed automatically from consciousness.
5.Thoughts The evolution of unconsciously known cosmic intelligence into consciously known personal intelligence for intellectual problem—solving and emotional ecstasy.
6.Neural Evolution: Whole brain power.
7.Society/Culture: Governments/institutions/politicians/bureaucrats of either pro—Life values and actions toward evolution, or anti—Life values and actions toward murdering of child/planet.
8.Child Cognitive Fix: Cosmic consciousness through amygdala warped back into old rootstem to compute competitive consciousness, or, wondered forward into frontal lobes to compute cooperative consciousness,
9.Ego: “MEEeee first!” to maturity, then, “Thee first,”
10.Transcendence: Automatic genetic maturation of ego into egolessness so as to accept the gift of consciousness to teach others pro—Life species behaviors on planet Earth.The method to validate these assumptions is the scientific method of inquiry. The instrument which tests hypotheses and measures experiments is the most exquisite of all precision tools: your brain.
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